Example sentences of "it be [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Why should it be imagined she would enjoy such lies ?
2 Whether I pay or go free , whatever the cost , I will not let it be said I killed a decent man to keep him from accusing me .
3 Do n't let it be said I kept you here against your will . ’
4 ‘ Do n't let it be said I stopped anyone working — especially Robyn Drew , ’ he added sarcastically .
5 Well , never let it be said I disappointed a lady ! ’ he growled , coming to his knees and reaching for her .
6 And if so why should it be supposed they had adventured into the forest rather than eastward towards the corn lands and the nearer towns , and the coast ?
7 Earlier her plan had been to go down to the village a little before the gala on the pretext of shopping and finding out the times of the events and perhaps look in at the antique shop ( for Mrs Price was on the Gala committee ) and let it be known she would join the young people , but now that her mother was ill that was out of the question , she pushed it on one side , the urgent thing was to get to the chemist 's and get the stuff up to her mother .
8 I let it be known I was n't really interested in going out again , and hoped they 'd get the message — that I was finished with it . ’
9 Last week Dr Feeney , who has just completed a lecture tour of the States , let it be known he would not be seeking the SDLP nomination to contest the Oldpark ward in North Belfast .
10 Last Friday night Sir Hector Monro , Scottish minister of agriculture , let it be known he was not happy about board proposals to transfer its every nut , bolt , fixture and fitting from statutory monopoly to voluntary co-op from April 1994 .
11 In a statement in response to increasing media interest in his health , he said he had decided to let it be known he was undergoing treatment .
12 John Major too has let it be known he believes President Clinton 's foreign policy to be virtually indistinguishable from that of George Bush .
13 In well it were done you know one fellow get on with that .
14 But if it were granted it would significantly strengthen the conservationists ' hand politically .
15 ‘ We had a similar set-up some years ago and if it were reintroduced I think the standard of the women 's game would rise ’ .
16 Lord James promised to monitor the situation and to bring legislation forward if it were proved it was needed .
17 And although yesterday 's total is nearly 40,000 below the region 's high of the last five years nearly 192,000 , reached in June 1987 their plans will stop it being surpassed they argue .
18 Even when he saw it being done he still would n't have known what was going on but unless you try it yourself , you do n't know what physical effect , or mental effect , it has on you and how speedy and intolerant it makes you of other people .
19 Pelota is a confusing and various game , and before going to watch it being played it is worth reading up on the technique and the scoring , if you want to follow it .
20 you know keeping two of them fixed and the other two If you think about it being stretched you get a rectangle do n't you ?
21 ‘ Whilst I appreciate the trouble it 's caused you , you could have reported it to Bamford station and not rung me up , you know .
22 I apologise for any upset it 's caused you . ’
23 It 's hit her pretty hard . ’
24 Seeing her die like that , it 's hit you badly .
25 I remember her saying , slightly on the defensive , ‘ It 's an investment , ’ and I thought , It 's made her even more determined to succeed .
26 It 's made her look much better , she 's put on weight , and stopped smoking .
27 It 's made 'im mad , ’ said Dolly , ‘ he said we 'd read it . ’
28 Before she returned to her college her father said to her : ‘ Well , I don ‘ t know what to make of your religion — but I will say this , it 's made you easier to live with . ’
29 Oh , by the way , we 've got another one of your statues with no eyes in and everybody 's saying it 's made you go blind , know what I mean ? take no notice luv they 're only jealous .
30 I expect it 's made you feel a bit jumpy too , like ? ’
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