Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is this a new disease , something we 've discovered recently , or has it been around for a long time ?
2 Had it been out on the public streets he would have been arrested for a breach of the peace .
3 No matter how familiar with literary works you become , you can not focus equally on all parts of a text ( particularly a long text , such as a novel ) : so you need to decide which parts of it are most worth reading closely and writing about .
4 Notwithstanding the passage of the Divorce Reform Act 1969 , adultery and the case-law governing it are still of relevance in pursuing a divorce action .
5 Even those of us too young to have been part of it are still under the spell of the culture of activism formed around it .
6 This entails an awareness of the mutability of this world , and an awareness of what elements in it are permanently to be valued .
7 Should it be primarily about celebration of success and ways of ensuring further successes or is it a time for grizzling at parents ?
8 Do you think it would be a good idea to privatize planning control in the sense of letting it be up to developers to choose whether they should go ahead or not on the basis of what they conceive to be constraints , or that that should be within the entire realm of the local planning authority ?
9 So would , what I was wondering is , is the continuous going to be , up to there and after there , or can it be up to there , in the middle
10 Think carefully before you decide — will it be just for you , or will other members of your family want to use the computer ?
11 What , will it be just for a short period cos it was n't nine o clock ?
12 On second thoughts there is nothing surprising in ‘ which we all use ’ ; how could it be otherwise in a family like the Marmeladov 's ?
13 In response to a further query , he added irritably : ‘ Sure it 's about sex — what else would it be about with a title like that ? ’
14 Well that 's fine , but why should it be down to thirty percent ?
15 Will it be always like that then ?
16 Is The Simpsons any good on tape and when will it be out on budget ?
17 Not at all , says Sir Peter , nor would it be out of character if he went in his own carriage — and Mr Moses agrees .
18 The date must not be a future one , nor must it be out of date ( more than six months ) .
19 Would it be out of order to ask what they do get paid , or what they did get paid ?
20 Perhaps , we a standard agenda item on every quality committee meeting and , and it be out of the .
21 By their long resistance , the Covenanters secured the freedom of the Kirk from state control and long may it be so in Scotland .
22 As it were apart from the bottled water that the gentleman there buys .
23 So because we 're doing something from our normal end of the spectrum as it were right through to trying to involve everybody in the city , erm we 're hoping to get the issue across to a lot more people , and also raise money while we 're doing it .
24 I thought it were on past Worksop .
25 No it , we took it to this bloke and I do n't know what he 's done with it because it played before we took it and when he , he said it were n't worth doing and when we brought it back it wo n't even roll now even play now will it ?
26 It were n't at first but it is now
27 Peony looked suitably chastened , but there was a glint in her eye that told Peggy there was plenty more she could say , and would say , if it were n't for the fact that she adored the Vicar with a passion that bordered on the obsessive .
28 Something that she would have grasped , if it were n't for her own stupidity .
29 ‘ If it were n't for tetherball , I think we both would have died of boredom ’
30 If it were n't for his days at the mucky end of the trade , he would never have earned enough to buy a house and he would n't have met Raksha who had been doing a bit of topless work to supplement her salary as a nurse .
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