Example sentences of "it of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Beneath the surface of this gentle evening a complex and never-ending game , which had something in it of a duel , was being played , the players swimming in their milieu like fish , at different levels which they would occasionally switch , to make an attack or to retreat , to seize prey or to threaten .
2 However , its sale plan has been halted by a court action over the trusteeship of the collection and has already provoked the National Art Collections into stripping it of a grant .
3 On a chair in the scullery in his cardigan and his cap and his bad leg stuck out to one side , and his tins of paint on newspapers all around , and a big panel of wood propped up against the wall with a picture on it of a battleship in a stormy sea .
4 You can believe it of a cat .
5 And for the next three or four months , I was just getting it of a weekend .
6 That 's the fundamental as far as I see it of a pension fund .
7 There is no reason here , and I think no reason at all , to doubt that we take it of a cause and its effect that if or since the cause occurred then so did the effect .
8 It was actually thirty million was n't it of a claim for fifty million , of which there was also a secondary claim which was dropped .
9 Does it enhance or threaten our security or is it of no consequence to us ?
10 A second general problem is associated with the esteem with which a profession is held by society as a whole and , as far as the public sector is concerned , the attitude towards it of the government of the day .
11 If this is our approach , we force a work of art to last beyond its time , depriving it of the freedom to disintegrate , become a piece of junk , or just an old paint stain .
12 What business is it of the State if someone now wishes to be known as a woman , where previously she was considered a man ?
13 The precocity displayed by Ypres and Ghent in securing a candidate favourable to their industrial future was not to be imitated in the rest of France in the twelfth century ; still , other rulers , particularly those of Champagne , learned from it of the profit to be derived from allying with the increasingly powerful mercantile or industrial classes .
14 Sir , this is the last day as I understand it of the greenbelt enquiry .
15 Fucking hey must be lunatics it 's only a single lane carriageway hurar hurar and it 's a one way street , dead end fucking inverted brain leg it of the moon , the sun
16 How aware is it of the trading data that is collected , the way in which trading or order cards are filled in , or the pit trading practices that go on in front of its pit officials ?
17 Erm was there any w part of it of the strike organized in the sense of you giving moral support within the lodge to people who were obviously wavering ?
18 But her jaw had locked , as if she had been bitten by an animal that kills its prey by robbing it of the ability to eat or hunt , pant or lick , or even howl .
19 Paul uses it of the Spirit , without any indication of any outward sign .
20 As long as the volume of work undertaken by house-building firms is dependent either upon local authority contracts or upon the doling out at yearly or half-yearly intervals of a meagre number of individual licences , so long will increased productivity , and the gearing to it of the output of the building materials industry , be impossible .
21 They used it of the sun , did n't they ?
22 The only true solution is somehow to alter the cat 's mental state and rid it of the monotony or stress that drives it to perform the ‘ pseudo-infantile ’ actions .
23 ‘ Are you going to tell me your story , or do I demand it of the world at large !
24 Rather than reveal qualitative differences among the banks and draw the public 's attention to the bad-debt mess ( not to mention the responsibility for it of the finance ministry , which regulates banks ) , officials are doing everything they can to help banks sweep their problems under the carpet .
25 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
26 By then southern and eastern England had been extensively ravaged , and £137,000 paid in attempts to rid it of the enemy .
27 The external threat to it of the restoration of Roman Catholicism through foreign invasion was in the long run less serious than that posed by the Puritans from within .
28 it of the chap , he reckoned .
29 If we strip it of the insulation apparently provided by its appeal to the technology of literacy , we will expose the same ethnocentric claims and uncritical faith in the observer 's own ways of thinking .
30 The structuration of the business class as a whole has , to a considerable extent , been determined by the hegemony [ dominance ] within it of the establishment families .
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