Example sentences of "it may [be] think " in BNC.

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1 It may be thought that without some measures of the quality of services provided , either by the yardstick ( if such exists ) of agreed views of what constitutes good practice , and/or through more refined measures of client outcome , the study would still fall short of the kind of conclusions about relative effectiveness that would be sought .
2 It may be thought of as a giant aquatic Guinea Pig weighing up to 60 kilograms .
3 It may be thought that the same verdict applies to the third principle as well .
4 It may be thought that this was a remarkably small price to pay for the opening up of our democratic processes to the public .
5 No wonder , it may be thought , that the broadcasters were unanimous to finding these restrictions too severe ; some argued that the Commons itself , by these restrictions , was giving a false and misleading impression to the audience , especially because of the absence of reaction shots ; Anne Lapping , the editor of A Week In Politics , said ‘ the more freedom you let the cameras have , the more good it does to the Mother of Parliaments ’ .
6 For example , it may be thought that a computer programmer will extract some kind of revenge by introducing a logic bomb into the computer system .
7 Contracts , it may be thought , are the domain of lawyers or salesmen — far too cold and commercial to apply to human relationships .
8 So far we have considered three ways of sampling directly from a given population , but it may be thought that this direct method has dangers attached .
9 On death-beds it may be thought that a soon-to-be-deceased settlor is susceptible to giving either involuntary nods or nods to propositions imperfectly understood , or both .
10 It may be thought unwise to present a young a artist in repertoire as familiar and well-recorded as this , but one only needs to listen to the first minute of track one , the F major Sonata , to realise that Haefliger is in complete command and has something unique to offer , namely youthful energy , dash and charisma .
11 At a first glance , it may be thought that methods for script and speech recognition would be the same , because both are attempting to process natural language .
12 It may be thought odd that no large bronze double-axes were found at Knossos or Phaistos , but this is probably because the sites were ransacked in antiquity and plundered of their usable and precious metal objects .
13 It may be thought that a body like the National Trust with a well-defined statutory purpose to preserve places of natural beauty or historic interest in perpetuity for the benefit of the nation , is not affected by changing public opinion or fears for the global environment .
14 It may be thought that there are three categories in which the sexual aspects of work with children arise :
15 Measurement of f at each of m values of t would provide m equations for the m unknowns ; however , since f is measured and so is inexact , it may be thought better to measure f at n values of t , where unc in order to minimise the effects of experimental error .
16 It may be thought that in 8 we have an equation which indicates ( wrongly ) that — at is a semantic constituent :
17 It may be thought that in reading ( ii ) , pencil should be taken to refer only to the core of the pencil .
18 It may be thought that the direction on burden is implicit in that on standard .
19 This submission is made on the footing that , under one or more of these paragraphs , the court is given a general discretion to order rectification in any case in which it may be thought just to do so .
20 ( 2 ) If the case is reported in the Law Reports it may be thought sufficient to cite only the Law Reports ; but if it is not in the Law Reports the main ‘ collateral ’ reports should be cited in which the case appears .
21 For an object to exist in an ontological sense is to exist in its own right and not merely as an object of thought , but it is not to exist independently of the conditions under which it may be thought of and identifyingly referred to as that particular object and no other .
22 It may be thought of as a reaction against the ‘ classical ’ form of bureaucracy ( and unity of command — ie. one man , one boss ) by establishing a structure of dual command .
23 It may be thought , however , that the Morgan decision would offer insufficient protection to some women who just fail to meet the statutory criteria .
24 Thus , it may be thought that the term rape conveys the full horror of the event .
25 In others , it may be thought appropriate to arrange merely a casual introduction to the office for a couple of weeks or so at a nominal remuneration .
26 It may be thought that the highest-scoring universities in this list attract a higher than average proportion of indigenous students with local area research interests , but examination of the names of thesis authors from Strathclyde and Dundee universities , and confirmatory personal communications with the relevant departments , suggest that many of their students are not of local origin , but have come to the universities from overseas .
27 For many it may be thought that what the market gives you is both fair and rightly yours .
28 Values will tend to follow the development plans , and land which acquires a high development value will normally be land on which development will be permitted ; but there will be exceptions and it may be thought that to limit compensation in these cases will inflict hardship on owners who are refused permission to develop or whose land is bought compulsorily .
29 It may be thought unreasonable that the legislation should both refuse to give credit for repayments and charge renewed borrowings as if they were a first-time borrowing .
30 It may be thought the height of irony that Rangers ' goalkeeper should demand this much attention at a club so dominant Goram has known domestic defeat only six times in 18 months since going to Ibrox from Easter Road for £1 million .
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