Example sentences of "it for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
2 Given that ( i ) no other sources support this view ; ( ii ) the view is none the less generally reasonable ; ( iii ) evidence from Pomponius ( and perhaps also Julian ) seems to speak against it for the second century ; and ( iv ) a Justinianic interpolation seems unlikely , it seems most probable that the text represents the genuine view of Papinian .
3 When he took the stage to collect the award ( winning it for the second time following two years of Vivienne Westwood ) , Ozbek did n't stand a chance .
4 Batty could n't make it for the second half against Villa after a recurrence of a calf injury he received against Wimbledon last Saturday .
5 Last season they won it for the second year in succession with some ease , and without their players being seriously extended .
6 Another part in the book that I did n't understand until I had read it for the second time was a bit right at the every end .
7 You could n't see the card until you unfolded the handkerchief and now Wexford looked at it for the first time .
8 He knew the pattern of the carpet by heart but now it was as if he were looking at it for the first time , taking it all in , the design of orange and black squares .
9 He started typing and found himself enjoying it for the first time for years .
10 A thing of great beauty , it was not unusual to hear sharp intakes of breath as people beheld it for the first time .
11 Having always been aware of the Cathedral I 've often wondered what impact it has on visitors seeing it for the first time .
12 Sheppard modelled the statue in 1911–12 and exhibited it for the first time in 1914 .
13 I flew it for the first time to Dupage Airport to replace the ninety-channel radio with a 720-channel unit , then on to Janesville , Wisconsin , for paint work and a new headliner .
14 Beneath it for the first time , they saw Titron , lying in the water some quarter of a mile away ; a huge , red-lit steel cliff with the black sea boiling pinky-white below .
15 He moved round and joined them and stared intently at the portrait as if seeing it for the first time .
16 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
17 If a child has it for the first ten years hardly anything else matters .
18 As hard as Marshall try to convey the message of versatility in this type of combo , I defy anyone who plugs into it for the first time not to go straight for the overdrive sounds : ‘ If it 's a Marshall then it 's going to rock , whether it wants to or not ! ’
19 The Formula One world champion test drives it for the first time in Phoenix on January 4 and will find his sleek , high-speed T93 series chassis also longer , bigger , heavier and cheaper than any previous IndyCar or championship-winning Canon Williams Renault FW14 .
20 If you were seeing it for the first time , what impressions would you receive ?
21 It required absolutely no breaking in and I wore it for the first time on a nine hour Scottish hill day during the May heatwave in complete comfort .
22 I remember the excitement and relief I felt when I read it for the first time as a very young nun .
23 The first indication that anything was wrong came three months after I had let the tank up and stocked it for the first time .
24 If the patina chemical is too strong , dilute with a little water and , if using it for the first time , do a test on a sample piece of copper .
25 This majestic sight , glimpsed through undulating woldland patchwork , or from the flatter marshland , entices all strangers who behold it for the first time to come and investigate the town further ; to discover its rich history and its modern enchantment .
26 The strange fragrance was stronger now , coming over the top of the rise in a wave of scent that struck him powerfully — as the scent of orange-blossom in the Mediterranean strikes a traveller who smells it for the first time .
27 She made it sound as if she were saying it for the first time .
28 Sam looked at the revolver as if seeing it for the first time .
29 THESE FOUR boxes of action highlights from Pickwick enable the devout to exhume the 1992 World Cup , feeling it again as if they were in attendance in Australasia once more or seeing much of it for the first time if sleep and work schedules got in the way during those 33 hectic days and nights .
30 His eye fell on it for the first time as it sprang onto the marble plinth and clutched at the neck of the vase to steady itself .
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