Example sentences of "it is [that] the " in BNC.

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1 All four books reveal a steady concern with imitation and interpretation , and to read them together is to be clearer about what it is that the writer intends us to think that he thinks about things .
2 The more people get used to prodding , weighing and evaluating new planning proposals , the less likely it is that the Hammersmith effect will spread further .
3 ‘ If there is one worry about it , it is that the national curriculum and the attainment targets will only partly tell you about a child .
4 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
5 If parliamentary self-government is the essence of British liberty , the condition upon which we enjoy it is that the United Kingdom is politically distinct and separate .
6 If the unconscious means anything whatsoever , it is that the relation of self and others , inner and outer , can not be grasped as an interval between Polar and opposites but rather as an irreducible dislocation of the subject in which the other inhabits the self as its condition of possibility .
7 Thus it is that the new 3-series gets a modest extra inch of legroom and stays conspicuously smaller than the far from roomy 5-series .
8 If science has taught us anything , however , it is that the environment is full of uncertainty .
9 It is that the view of Anglo-American finance as a casino full of rapacious capitalists has become popular at the same time as those countries ' companies were being taken over by the people themselves .
10 She then proceeds to whinge about how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
11 We lead her back towards the Odeon Mezzanine and break the ice by saying interestingly how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
12 So it is that the crossing is made without further ado , ‘ opposite Jericho ’ ( 3.16 ) .
13 If there is a change in attitude , then I think it is that the young of Britain are now more outward looking not only towards Europe , but the wider world too .
14 What a pity it is that the US government negotiating teams are allowed to give the impression that progress in the world trade negotiations is being held up solely by the intransigence of European farmers .
15 The crucial point to notice about it is that the entities whose ‘ fitnesses ’ are being compared are no longer individual organisms , but populations of organisms .
16 Thus it is that the Masters and Augusta are always spoken of in reverential tones , each contestant being made to feel that he is walking on hallowed ground in close communion with the saints of the game .
17 Sometimes the newcomers have settled in without doing the original inhabitants any great harm — and so it is that the rabbit and the fallow deer have become accepted additions to Britain 's fauna .
18 If there is a common theme to liberal political theorizing on authority , it is that the legitimacy of authority rests on the duty to support and uphold just institutions , as , following Rawls , the duty is now usually called .
19 It is difficult to distinguish cause and effect ; and even if we could be sure that the low level of orienting in the pre-exposed subjects was responsible for their retarded conditioning , it would still be necessary to explain why it is that the OR should return when reinforced training begins .
20 The analysis offered by interference theory is similar , but rather simpler — it is that the existence of these ( within stimulus ) associations will interfere with the ability of the elements to form new ones .
21 This may help us to understand why it is that the family was never more expertly advised , psychoanalysed and researched , yet never has it fallen apart more dramatically than in the last generation .
22 The more serious the violation by the police and the less serious the charge the more likely it is that the evidence will be inadmissible , though there are occasions in Scotland where crucial evidence has been struck out in serious cases which include murder .
23 If anything is demonstrated by the USSR 's record on energy over the past decade it is that the resources , the equipment , manpower and the money do exist broadly to achieve whatever the mighty planning and executive mechanism dictates .
24 Thus it is that the Tamar , beautiful as the nymph whose name she bears , winds her way from the rugged north coast between the hills , to be joined by the Tavy , flowing from Dartmoor to join her for the last few miles to the sea , while the luckless Torridge flows ever northward in vain pursuit of Tamara 's beauty .
25 The greater , therefore , is the information provider 's knowledge and understanding of those specific tasks and contexts , the more likely it is that the information provided will be valued and used .
26 In passing our studies have helped to clear up some of the outstanding biological problems that underlie the reproductive biology of Bufo bufo , such as why it is that the males so greatly outnumber the females , and why they are smaller .
27 IF New Scientist has a wish for 1983 that is in theory achievable it is that the two cultures C. P. Snow described a generation ago should again become one .
28 Those with experience stress how important it is that the carer and the dependant should not become indispensable to each other or never spend time apart .
29 Thus it is that the evolutionary process itself has provided mankind with the means to produce that first vital element in the search for a ‘ god ’ — a first definition of ‘ goodness ’ .
30 Thus it is that the extraction of the origin of the first fragment of ‘ goodness ’ and the indelibly labelling of it as such , led to the creation of an entity with a presumed existence and endowed by mankind with the power to hold inviolate the human decisions on ‘ goodness ’ — which will continue to be taken for as long as life continues .
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