Example sentences of "it was many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first BREL/GEC Class 90 , an updated version of the Class 87 Bo-Bo , emerged from Crewe in mid-1988 , but it was many months before the state of the art electronics were mastered .
2 Incidentally , it was many months before the whole truth was discovered and much proof was derived from the flight data recorder .
3 Whilst it was many centuries before flint sickles were replaced with iron scythes and reap hooks , it was only a few more years before reapers , when self binders and then combines were introduced .
4 It was many weeks before their mother learnt where they were .
5 So it was many weeks before Ellie dared try the key in the lock .
6 It was many weeks before she regained her self-esteem .
7 It was many years later that my foreboding dream came true .
8 The story of the lift does not end here , for it was many years before it was finally cut up and sold for scrap .
9 It was many years since Selwyn 's wife had persuaded him that it was not good manners to pick his teeth in company , but his lips still made the motions of mouthing a toothpick .
10 Labels were shifted about , the Higher School Certificate became the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level , but it was many years before new pressures distorted the ancient simplicities .
11 It was many years before the collection agencies and the record companies trusted each other .
12 Some readers may remember attending the building when it was St Mary 's Junior School , indeed many nostalgic , even misty-eyed visits are made to the building by people who remember the school as it was many years ago .
13 These five cars received the least modifications of any of the South Metropolitan fleet and in fact it was many years before they were even repainted , running in deep chocolate and ivory , with only the fleet numbers and badges altered .
14 Crocheted antimacassars graced the backs of all the chairs although it was many years since a gentleman with pomade on his hair had sat in one of them .
15 It was many years since the Deputy Under Secretary had taken such a holiday ; his previous inclination would have been — towards fishing the west country salmon rivers or stalking the Scottish moors .
16 It was many years since the assassin 's eyes had taken the pleasure they did now , seeing him .
17 So it was many years later , in 1930 , that a writer of light-hearted detective stories called Anthony Berkeley proclaimed that the art should change from puzzles about time , place and opportunity into puzzles about motive and character , and produced a book , The Second Shot , written from the murderer 's point of view .
18 The Cages had fallen silent as Minch told her story , for it was many years since she had recounted it and then only briefly .
19 It was many years since he 'd had anything in common with his foster family and she would have expected him to use his sojourn in America as a tactful method of ending the association , of breaking ties that could have no conceivable advantage for him .
20 Though Bede considered Oswald 's brother and successor , Oswiu , to have been the sixth of the overlords of the Anglo-Saxons ( HE 11 , 5 ) , it is clear that it was many years before Oswiu could securely establish himself as king even over all the northern Angles let alone as overlord of his southern neighbours and that this latter position was very short-lived .
21 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
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