Example sentences of "it was just [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was just dusk , when things start to look not quite themselves .
2 They had other compartments where it was only bread and other compartments where it was just confectionery .
3 So it was just kind of what ever enthusiasm there was washed away with that .
4 I do n't care what it was , it was just kind of , you know , a story that they might know .
5 So it was just luck really ?
6 ‘ It could have been nasty but in the end I think it was just case of exchanging insurance details , ’ said Insp Madison .
7 Although she remembered the words perfectly well , Constance merely said , ‘ Oh , nothing , it was just part of your general racket . ’
8 It was just part of life . ’
9 It was just part of the routine .
10 It was just part of our tradition . "
11 It was just part of the job , ’ says a phlegmatic Ruscoe .
12 I did n't think it was all subjects , I thought it was just history
13 It was just midnight .
14 ‘ I wish I had n't given up , ’ Alison was saying , ‘ it was just lack of courage . ’
15 Or perhaps it was just lack of choice , the need for a home of her own and a child .
16 I mean it was just day before yesterday I walked up with him .
17 it was just paradise !
18 It was just incompetence that I did n't get it done this week .
19 God , if it was just time !
20 As McLeish had observed to a colleague at the ti me , he 'd have understood the whole performance if the solicitor in question had been going to marry either of them , but there had been no question of that , it was just obfuscation for its own sake .
21 And there used to be sort of a mush made from haricot beans too that people said were baked beans and they were n't it was just sort of white mushy erm white haricot beans with a sort of red colouring poured over the top .
22 because , you come back here and all the Scottish women were vast and they lost their figure 's and it was just sort of almost taken for granted that you have a baby and you loose your figure , but you do n't mind because you 've got the children .
23 It was just sort of ‘ Shall we take him down then ? ’ and Bob 's your unc . ’
24 And it it was quite strange , it was just sort of a row of houses
25 And there 's nothing wrong with her it was just sort of it 's just nerves is n't it ?
26 It was just capitalism continued .
27 They 'd have a little fancy shawl or My Grandma used to always have a fancy shawl that Just a small thing that came , you know , a bit down their back and And my Grandma used to wear erm a white much It was just thing like a baby 's A cotton thing , tied with a just a string , you know just to erm just a tie under her chin and it would have a wee bit of lace s on the corner , or the or the end of the tie , that was through the day and it was all ruffled , and then when she was on holiday and came into town she had a a thing on her head made of velvet and it all had fancy little things in it .
28 And at that stage it was too late to go down the rope so it was just instinct more than anything else that we just jumped over the side from where we were then .
29 Yeah well why that happened , Oh I think it was just pressure of work you know , she had so much else to do .
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