Example sentences of "it to [art] house " in BNC.

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1 The final contents of the budget are only revealed to the Cabinet the day before the Chancellor presents it to the House of Commons , when it is too late for any major changes .
2 Endill ran to the cart as Mr McDoodle brought it to the house .
3 He anticipates that the campaign will snowball and , depending on the results , he is considering taking it to the House of Commons .
4 She stopped a taxi , returned in it to the house , made it wait while she ran in to drag down any other curtains that remained .
5 This statement was approved by the law officers , who very properly insisted that Profumo should also be advised by his own independent solicitor ( a partner in the well-known firm of Theodore Goddard ) who , having read the statement , also approved it and recommended Profumo to make it to the House .
6 Mr Hurd : I listened to my hon. Friend 's particularly interesting speech on that theme on Monday , and I commend it to the House .
7 The tutor found her an old block from a ruined church and brought it to the house .
8 So , Sir , because of that quality of the Queen 's Speech , I support it and recommend it to the House .
9 We are working to achieve an agreement at Maastricht in December , but it must be an agreement that I could make in the confident expectation that I could commend it to the House .
10 The Labour party owes it to the House and the country to tell us freely , frankly and openly where it stands .
11 Technical considerations are being completed , and I hope that we shall be able to put it to the House before long .
12 I commend it to the House .
13 As such , I commend it to the House .
14 I commend it to the House .
15 The Bill is the right Bill for the job and I commend it to the House .
16 I commend it to the House .
17 The Bill matches the needs of the times , and I commend it to the House .
18 I believe that the timetable that we are proposing offers a sensible and balanced way of achieving all the different objectives , including the legitimate desire of the House to consider the Bill fully , and I commend it to the House .
19 Mr Deputy Speaker I commend it to the house .
20 I commend it to the House . ’
21 Take it to the house .
22 Take it to the house .
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