Example sentences of "it the [noun sg] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 That 's it the lever locks yes .
2 that 's right he 's still got it the bloke has , yeah .
3 This was a natural belief , because human life — indeed , the whole of recorded history — is so brief that during it the universe has not changed significantly .
4 This allows the lungs to remain inflated after a breath is taken , without it the lung does not expand adequately and the baby had to work much harder to breathe — rather like blowing up a new balloon as opposed to one with some air already in it .
5 It is effective chiefly in defence , since in delivering it the karateka presents only the side of his body to his opponent , thereby protecting all his vital areas .
6 A Gothic cathedral is a complex design , but when standing inside it the individual knows where he or she is and how to reach any other point in it .
7 Robert Julius Matson had guessed right : the first train had come through just nine years after the town was founded in 1858 , pulling behind it the fertiliser works , the com mill , the seed-com warehouse , and with them the quiet prosperity that spawned the first Masonic lodge in 1871 , a voluntary fire brigade in ‘ 75 , the telephone in ‘ 84 and the first sewer in 1920 .
8 On the face of it the film has a lot going for it — Pakula as director , and a cast including the frequently brilliant Kevin Kline , Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio , Kevin Spacey , Rebecca Miller and Forest Whitaker .
9 There is , in a sense , an ideology of scepticism within clearly defined boundaries and as old men die out of the system and younger ones join it the tradition becomes cumulative and socially-constructed rather than just an individual matter .
10 It must be a measure of my confidence , he wrote , that I can now say , in these notes , without any kind of trepidation , that this is the major project of my life , that beside it the rest pales into insignificance , if it was not insignificant anyway , beside it or anything else .
11 The façade proclaims success , but behind it the building dwindles to nothing .
12 from it the retailer sells tins of soup to the value of £200 per month
13 About eighty per cent of the users are students and they 've normally been told to read this , or read that , or read the other , and if they now use one of our computer terminals , which has got a little video screen on the top and a little keyboard , they can look up the books , they can look them up by title , by the title of the book as well as by the traditional author approach , and when they 've found it the computer tells them how many copies are in the library , or whether they 're all on loan .
14 They can look the up by title , by the title of the book , as well as by the traditional author approach , and when they 've found it the computer tells them how many copies are in the library or whether or they 're all on loan .
15 Wind farms , M S As , golf courses , associated hotels etcetera , development major recreation policies , and I think it the plan needs to have a a generic policy which addresses the issue of what is likely to be appropriate and acceptable in the countryside as a framework for the development of more detailed policies in in local plans .
16 So just think of resistance as sort of something that stops the current , and as you increase it the current gets less .
17 Erm so it does mean that as parking becomes more and more congested , it the subject does become more and more topical .
18 The harbour of Portree , the principal town on Skye , is , as Boswell observed , ‘ a large and good one ’ , and from it the road climbs up into the town , now much built since 1773 — a square , several banks , a school , and many , many tourists .
19 Whose sleep is it the ego desires ?
20 Before it the system quails and adopts an easier but illogical alternative .
21 What is it the man has that 's so darned appealing ?
22 In it the charity names a Midlands financier , Stuart Ford , his company , Tilen Securities , and his Egyptian associate , Gamil Naguib .
23 But it the hermaphrodite threatens the binarism of gender through ambiguous unity , the female transvestite of the early seventeenth century positively disrupts that same scheme by usurping the master side of the opposition .
24 From it the path leads to another temple also designed by William Kent and from there to the octagonal pond .
25 ‘ If one thinks about it the President makes an ideal stalking horse .
26 No I think just dedication and we , if we made an appearance maybe something would come to a head , things would get sorted , if we just said forget it then stay at home , then the quarry managers would say right forget it , we 'll get another workforce in , you know it was , I think it was just I think some were dedicated to the job and sort of gave it their best , whereas others were slightly you know , willy nilly about it and well I 'll turn up today cos it the weather looks nice , or I 'll turn up today because the wife is n't off and or the gas has run out or whatever .
27 This system of transparent , interpenetrating shapes or planes suggests form in shallow depth , and from it the figure re-emerges as the spectator studies the canvas .
28 Well it seemed it the bairn 's been in .
29 If you increase the amount of reward the rats run faster than rats that have always received the large reward and if you decrease it the reverse happens ; the rats run more slowly than those that have always had the small reward .
30 It the belief becomes current in public opinion that in the arguments between government and opposition it is not really a matter of opposing opinions being presented , then the impression will increasingly gain currency that parliamentary discussions are just a game .
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