Example sentences of "it the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes we had er ships wh we , they call erm these liberty ships come in from America loaded with bombs and when they moved them up there , well they call them down here they call them liberty ships and er the bombs were loaded , so they used to erm put all timber between each layer of bombs and they had proper carpenters who would fix all these and when the dockers went down , they put these bombs out , cos they were n't detonated , the detonators were in the fore end of the ship , right down the lower hull and erm the bombs were loaded into open trucks loaded into , well the dockers they thought it was dangerous , cos we had the Fire Brigade , that 's the fire service down there and standing by with the fire engines and dockers they wanted the , they want a shilling , I think it was a shilling a day extra , well a shilling extra something like that and there they got it the shilling or extra pound , cos us crane drivers we were n't on the same par as them , so we asked for a shilling .
2 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
3 Everything the school does should be geared to providing most effectively and efficiently for pupil learning — be it the structures and systems used to run the school , the deployment of staff , or the use of its other resources .
4 They used to have er a a what you call a front room , and then we used to call it the kitchen and then the other place where you wash your pots and the sink in and everything in , it used to be called the scullery in them days .
5 This led to a deep conflict within himself which carried with it the handicap that he did not really understand the ordinary world , was remote from everyday life , and so lacked balance .
6 It seems to me to a be a great joke — do they call it the knobs and knockers committee ?
7 The members of the committee call it the knobs and knockers committee .
8 Trainees will come to realise that their action , by its abruptness , has carried with it the judgement that the client is guilty of incest .
9 In rationalising the corporation and giving it the equipment that would allow it to compete with rivals , particularly foreign rivals , I had to have a capital programme .
10 Using positive phrases , such as ‘ I really like … , ’ rather than negative lines like ‘ you do n't do it the way that I like … , ’ will improve your chance of having a productive dialogue .
11 I says er , I want to take charge , and I 'll do it the way that I think it should be done .
12 Erm , but bear in mind you know , this works best if you work it the way that you want to work it .
13 Over recent years , the study of the fire problem involved in high-bay ( high-racked ) warehouses has provoked much thought and discussion , and has brought with it the realisation that there are many factors to be considered in determining the correct solution to adopt .
14 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
15 The stated aim of the legislation was " to establish in Russia courts of justice that are swift , equitable , merciful , and equal for all our subjects , to elevate the authority of the judiciary , to give it the independence that befits it , and in general to strengthen among our people … respect for the law " .
16 Did you have er relatives that worked here or was it the pay or ?
17 Is it the teeth that I
18 This stronger sense of learning also carries with it the idea that ultimately the student is able to evaluate it for him or herself , and form a personal view about its validity ( by reading the relevant articles , by listening to the different views of the authorities on the topic , and perhaps by assisting in a clinical trial ) .
19 This theory carries with it the implication that the cyclostome characters mentioned above were not part of the history of gnathostomes but were instead specializations restricted to lampreys and hagfishes .
20 As Barro points out , the only quantity rule which does not carry with it the implication that at times buyers and sellers will , at the price set , trade a quantity of the good they consider in advance to be sub-optimal is a rule which sets output equal to the value it would take in the absence of any unanticipated disturbances ; that is , y n .
21 Is it the magistrate or
22 But I was told about it the night before I was released !
23 Put it on low and leave it the night and day cos it was left on for a week once was n't it ?
24 We were down , we were down much further and the hospital was that opposite the park , like , is it the park or something ?
25 I 'm not sure , is it the driver that 's the problem or not ?
26 What were you took to him Joyce were it the video or television ?
27 Then its sluggish nervous system brought it the message that it was dead .
28 He could walk right up and ask it the question that burned within him .
29 Family members too will have considerable feelings , and this might be an opportunity for a family meeting in the old person 's home , acknowledging the sadness for everybody of having to give up that home , accepting the necessity for more care , and with it the reassurance that the family will be vitally needed for continued regular visiting and involvement .
30 All I needed was a little bit of luck and as I pressed , dry mouthed , along the empty street it seemed I had found it The shock when I saw the two burly SPs strolling towards me was like a blow but was immediately followed by a strange calm .
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