Example sentences of "it into the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I dug it into the roses instead . ’
2 I 'm not sure sure how we could build it into the criteria of But it 's it 's a point which would obviously have to be borne in mind in terms of the str you know , the planning process .
3 The emancipation of the press from direct state control freed it into the arms of eager politicians , though both groups of interest benefited from the close , voluntarily established , affinity which was to develop in the mid-Victorian decades .
4 All you have to do is introduce it into the plebs ’ soap .
5 The engine compartment had to be outside the cockpit for acoustic and thermal insulation so we introduced a vertical backlight for good rear visibility and blended it into the fins sloping down from the roof , which gave a certain lightness to the rear pillars , This solution has become a constant feature on all Pininfarina Ferraris up to the Testarossa .
6 He spat , and rubbed it into the cobbles with his boot .
7 Sift together the flour , salt , cinnamon , nutmeg and baking soda , then blend it into the eggs .
8 Their backs even made it into The Times when the newspaper published names of the finishers .
9 One of his more lasting memorials is the Hattersley domestic loom , which since he introduced it into the islands in 1920 has produced almost the entire output of Harris tweed .
10 Shoot the TNT so it moves across , flame it and then shoot it into the flames .
11 To put it on the slide and send it into the flames had seemed like a bitter , bitter joke .
12 He picked it up and threw it into the flames .
13 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
14 For a moment , Implexion thought she meant their affair and was attempting to push it into the realms of firm commitment .
15 Other stunts included the breaking up of Labour party meetings and vandalizing a Daily Herald van by driving it into the railings of a London church .
16 I gave her the carrier and watched her jaunty backview disappear with it into the crowds , and I was more and more sure that what she was carrying was harmless .
17 And being the one who was taking the raw material and bashing it into the records I had to pick a time to leave where it was n't going to be a huge blow to everybody else .
18 All the major retailers have agreed to fit it into the women 's weeklies ’ ranks . ’
19 He poured it into the glasses and handed her one with a mocking little bow that nearly made Hilary throw the liquid all over him .
20 The cheapest to deliver of these bonds is the bond that gives the greatest implied repo rate to the short from a cash-and-carry ( or cost-of-carry ) transaction , i.e. a strategy of buying the bond ( with borrowed funds ) in the cash market and selling it into the futures market .
21 Alternatively , he could sell a futures contract at the current futures price and , at the end of T years , buy the asset in the cash market to deliver it into the futures market to fulfil the contract .
22 The fair futures price is that which gives a zero arbitrage profit relative to the CTD bond from a cash-and-carry transaction involving the purchase of the CTD bond in the cash market ( with borrowed funds ) and selling it into the futures market on the delivery day .
23 ‘ I wedged it into the pine-needles , as you did with yours .
24 Cool this slightly and then place it into the shells and chill until set .
25 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
26 An agreement is needed , not merely to give up an amount of liberty , but to put it into the hands of some sovereign power .
27 It reminds us of the idea that , while we have carved up knowledge and put it into the hands of separate academic professions , ultimately all knowledge is bound up together .
28 They trap the carbon dioxide that enters at night in temporary chemical stores , and release it into the chloroplasts during the day , when the sun is shining again .
29 He had left the money with his sister but had been caught after she had handed it into the police .
30 Luke scooped the fish up from Carey 's arms and threw it into the shallows .
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