Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [that] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Like the reprise of La Discorde 's music in the final scene of L'Europe galante and other innovations in Les Muses and Les fêtes vénitiennes , it denotes that Campra glimpsed the dramatic potential of thematic recall , in advance of his time .
2 One of the reasons it thinks that COSE is interested in its participation is that it has some key technology that in typical DEC fashion , it has failed to trumpet .
3 Besides its low-profile Object Group Common Object Request Broker Architecture-compliant Application Control Architecture Service application integration scheme , it thinks that COSE might like Habitat , its technology for enabling an operating system to take on the personality of another as it does with Unix System V.4 on its OSF/1 system — and it would n't expect fellow COSEs to implement it right away .
4 British Rail Engineering says it accepts that Mr Hayward was exposed to asbestos at work which led to his death.But it disputes the amount claimed.The Judge will decide on the claim tomorrow .
5 It concludes that Pentium is not , as Intel would have us believe , a RISC in CISC clothing .
6 It concludes that Pentium is not , as Intel would have us believe , a RISC in complex instruction set clothing .
7 As such , it emphasises that God 's revelatory activity is a dynamic process rather than a static product .
8 It adds that Mr Lamont 's statement that unemployment was ‘ a price well worth paying ’ is ‘ hollow and cynical ’ .
9 It adds that Paddy MacNally is a keen conservationist , so the manor should be in safe hands .
10 It adds that ARC Northern had permission for quarrying and treatment of stone , apart from the roadstone coating , to work at all times , including Sundays .
11 It happens that Mr X 's preferred language is French , but even in that tongue he could not write or spell with any normal level of competence and his grammar was almost non-existent .
12 It says that Sunday trading will have an effect on the importation of goods .
13 It says that Stirling Moss can use his word processor as a telex machine .
14 Although , USL claims to have improved DCE 's quality , it says that OEMs will look at DCE/SVR4 as a build-or-buy decision , not as a functional value-add , at least with the first release .
15 ( 2.3 ) unc This law is termed a " unit " law because , together with 2.1 and 2.2 , it says that STOP is essentially the unit of ALT .
16 Louis Gerstner was by no means the first , and IBM Corp has been actively hiring executives from outside the company since the beginning of the year , Associated Press reports : it says that IBM has hired about 30 outside executives in the past two years and is searching for 50 more ; incomers include Robert Howe , 48 , general manager , IBM Consulting Group , former head of worldwide financial services practice at consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton ; Michael Cannon , 40 , vice-president , personal systems storage devices , Adstar , former senior vice-president , worldwide operations at Syquest Technology Inc ; John Osborne , 39 , sales director , Personal Software Products , former vice-president of sales and marketing at Zenith Data Systems Inc ; Jon Cornell , 53 , assistant general manager , original equipment manufacturers sales and marketing , IBM Technology Products , former president , Harris Corp ; John Singleton , 56 , general manager , business development , Integrated Systems Solution Corp , former chief executive , Security Pacific Automation Co ; and Clare Thain , 43 , advertising and promotion director , IBM US , who was formerly the managing partner at Ronald James Direct .
17 The statement does have a phrase in it in which it says that Jesus declared the forgiveness of sins but there is an immense difference between declaring forgiveness and making forgiveness .
18 Lucid expects to see revenues from its C product lines overtake those of its original Lisp products sometime next quarter — it says that Lisp is a niche ( though still growing ) market , and that the market for C products is from 10 to 20 times larger .
19 Lucid expects to see revenues from its C product lines overtake those of its original LISP products sometime next quarter — it says that LISP is a niche ( though still growing ) market , and that the market for C products is from 10 to 20 times larger .
20 I ve just had a quick look at text and it says that Durie has had a shock recall Sheringham and Dozzel are definatly out and that Kerslake is doubtful .
21 Morton Meyerson , head of Perot Systems Corp , appears to have ruled himself out of the vacant post atop IBM Corp according to the New York Times : it reckons that RJR Nabisco Inc chief Louis Gerstner , who does not have a computer industry background , is now the only front-runner not to have ruled himself out .
22 The Stylesetter Award is particularly gratifying as it confirms that Stoddard Templeton is continuing to lead the way in carpet development through its design expertise .
23 It shows that Poland is one of Europe 's largest producers of sulphurous and nitric gases , the main causes of acid rain .
24 It shows that Essex , grouped as part of the Home counties , will see job prospects changing little for the second quarter of 1993 .
25 The irony of this fascinating book is that it shows that Charlie Francis was doing very well as a coach without giving drugs to his athletes .
26 It shows that Christ 's work of sinbearing did not abrogate the moral claims of the law , but was the precondition to men being able to face up to them .
27 Significantly , it shows that Carter was discovering important objects soon after his collaboration with Lord Carnarvon began .
28 The mention of Cyprus is interesting because it shows that Egypt was not mere opportunism : the decision to attack Persia in strength on Cyprus had already been made .
29 It shows that Brutus is a very thoughtful person who cares a lot about his fellow humans and will risk a lot to help them when he feels that they are in need ie. he will risk his position in the rule to make sure that Caesar will not bring any harm to the general public .
30 It should be noted , however , that there are only two miracles where it states that Jesus healed out of a sense of compassion or pity ( Mark 1:41 ; Luke 7:13 ) .
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