Example sentences of "it [to-vb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can also use it to report incidents of sexual or racial harassment .
2 Analysts predict it to report profits of £41 million in 1991 , compared with £63 million in 1990 .
3 It is to be hoped that recent changes within the SDA ( notably its drift towards self-help , business-orientated projects ) will not allow it to lose sight of wider goals in Scotland , where extensive areas of economic decline and outright poverty can still be identified .
4 Yet too much concentration on the military angle could , in the end , lead the UN astray , causing it to lose sight of what it is trying to do .
5 In my gybe , it seemed that by pulling up on the boom I was committing a lot of weight to the back which , although turning the board initially , caused it to lose speed through the turn .
6 Colin bought the cordite and used it to light fires with .
7 After the unsuccessful talks on June 12 [ see above ] , Markovic addressed the Slovenian Assembly , urging it to remain part of Yugoslavia .
8 But the commission wants it to include recipes for worker participation , an idea tried in the rejected Vredeling proposal of the early 1980s .
9 These attract a small moth with a specially curved proboscis that enables it to gather pollen from the yucca stamens .
10 First he sought to use it to spread the gospel of trade unionism elsewhere in the north-east and eventually persuaded it to establish branches at Middlesbrough , Hartlepool , Seaham Harbour and in North and South Shields .
11 This is an undoubted problem , but to use it to preclude registration of a charge of shares in a subsidiary is to make the best the enemy of the better .
12 The US National Institute of Standards & Technology has used it to increase performance of robotic factory operations .
13 The US National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) has used it to increase performance of robotic factory operations .
14 The Government was claiming it was entitled to intervene under an EC directive which allowed it to impose restrictions on ‘ retransmissions ’ of broadcasts from other member states .
15 It would take a teacher a great deal of time to prepare such graphs manually but more importantly the software allows pupils to manipulate it to discover aspects of pond life for themselves .
16 All the political parties have accepted the fact that social security has got to change we 're spending over a third of public spending on social security and each political party is reviewing it to find way of making it more effective and to make saving .
17 The NPFL 's advance had enabled it to secure control of the port of Buchanan , 100 km south-east of Monrovia , after fierce fighting on May 23 .
18 Informix looks to OpenODB to enable it to provide customers with an easy evolution to object-oriented technology that enables them to use data already stored in the Informix-OnLine database .
19 Is it to provide herbs for use , such as flavouring herbs , medicinal herbs , or household and insecticidal herbs ?
20 The mercury is dumped into the rivers of the region by miners who use it to extract gold from silt .
21 Psychology 's theoretical inadequacies often lead it to replace theory with utilitarian generalizations from its most reliable methods .
22 From my trouser pocket I take a handkerchief , and I use it to clean fingerprints off the gun .
23 books for Alex and I want to help him and I want him to have an advantage , but I do n't want it to cause problems at school
24 They need not prove that the accused had it with him with the intention of using it to cause injury to the person .
25 A third proposal , to allocate greater powers to the federal government in determining a safe , thrifty and environmentally friendly energy policy , allowing it to set standards for factories , vehicles and appliances , was approved by 1,212,898 votes ( 71 per cent ) to 495,952 ( 29 per cent ) .
26 Royal Bank of Scotland a pioneer user of video conferencing seven years ago when its merger with Williams & Glyn 's forced it to split operations between London and Edinburgh now televises meetings with its Spanish alliance partners at Banco Santander in Madrid .
27 Zuwaya used it to evoke absence of government , freedom ; but any anthropologist would feel inclined to explore the unstated aspects of this way of life , not brought to prominence in contemporary discussion because they were not much use in argument : ‘ In the old days you had no government , but how did you keep peace and order — who settled quarrels ? who punished thieves and rapists ? ’
28 It is to be hoped that NAB 's more open approach will enable it to win consent from the public sector institutions for difficult and unpalatable decisions , though clearly some of its deliberations , concerning the possible closing of institutions for example , will have to be conducted in private .
29 This must be designed to attract entrants , but you will also want it to focus attention on your organisation and its products .
30 The illusion of success was maintained only because the group 's high share price enabled it to buy companies on the cheap and so keep pushing up total profits and earnings per share .
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