Example sentences of "it [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More likely used it to saw a hole through a pound coin .
2 As well using the message on literature sent to people outside the region , it will also be used within it to spearhead a drive for increased quality of service .
3 Not all transmitters excite the post synaptic membrane , some inhibit it so that it is more difficult for it to carry an impulse .
4 If you buy the Relate 2000 you will only be able to use it to see the person you are calling if they are using a compatible model .
5 Hyde Park erm was it to see the arrival of the hunger marchers , can you remember what year that was ?
6 This is due to the use of a special microlouvre film , which only allows the person seated directly in front of it to see the information displayed on the computer 's monitor .
7 This is due to the use of a special microlouvre film , which only allows the person seated directly in front of it to see the information displayed on the computer 's monitor .
8 I did n't mean it to go the way it did .
9 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
10 I saw a Mummy examined that had been embalmed for 2,000 years ; the embalmer had taken out all the Viscera of the head , Thorax and Abdomen and cut all the flesh off the bones , and the cavities of the Thorax & Abdomen were filled up with Tar , Pitch & c and the form of the leg , Thigh & c were altogether made up of linen Rags dipp 'd in Tar , Pitch , & c so that I have an Opinion that they were allow 'd to carry the dead Body home by pretending to embalm it to preserve the Flesh & c , but you see they either buried or burnt the Flesh : this art always ‘ till lately appeared to me ridiculous as I know how soon putrefaction took place after Death ; since that time I have often thought it would be pleasing if we could fall upon a method of preserving dead Bodies & I thought that mankind in general would wish to have the Bodies of their Friends & c Preserved .
11 This was not welcomed by all the students , some of whom left the College after the secretary 's dismissal , causing it to issue an advertisement calling on clients not to employ them as farriers .
12 " Ownership " is a word of many meanings , but in the present context we can take it to signify a title to a subject matter …
13 If you use it to compare the alcohol contents of a wine and a beer , remember that you 'll probably drink more beer than wine so the % alcohol figures may not give an indication of the amount of alcohol you are really drinking .
14 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
15 Probably uses it to light the fire with !
16 The hindmost attendant was holding what looked like a large loaf of bread , and was using it to hit the minion in front , which was running almost doubled up , its little gloved hands held over its head , where the pursuing scullion was raining blows with the loaf .
17 Lindsey stared at the cardiograph , willing it to monitor a response .
18 Unfortunately the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering in the fifteenth century when Alberti used it to enrich the Cathedral of Rimini .
19 Catechesis takes the experience of liturgy , and evokes it to enrich the meaning of what has been experienced , and in its own way to express praise and thanksgiving .
20 Better , far better , for it to remain a dream .
21 I ca n't say I have come across anyone who expects it to remain a dwarf , but many seem to think that 5–6″ is it — possibly because it is rare to see larger specimens in a retail outlet .
22 To take this initiative and extend it to include a range of interests which they can use , whether or not they are employed in the future , might help them to be on a more equal footing with their peers who have not been in public care .
23 Most sections of the left were interested , not in stopping the war , but in using it to swing the balance of social power away from Britain 's traditional rulers .
24 By practising the skill we show the subconscious what is involved and allow it to acquire the ability to master the skill .
25 Dickinson had burned one and gone down with it to confirm the kill .
26 The Act applies notwithstanding such a choice of law clause if either ( a ) such clause " appears to the court or arbitrator or arbiter to have been imposed wholly or mainly for the purpose of enabling the party imposing it to evade the operation of " the Act or ( b ) one of the parties when making the contract dealt as a consumer , was habitually resident in the UK and " the essential steps necessary for the making of the contract were taken there " .
27 But he said Cardow ‘ had come armed with a lethal weapon and used it to penetrate the deceased 's body nine times . ’
28 Other workshops have been held to evaluate the achievements of the study , and to draw lessons from it to enable a move towards further action on specific issues such as mineral leasing , and strip mining .
29 To relieve the monotony of the black head , yellow sighting lines had been painted on it to enable the golfer to line up his putt on the ‘ sweet spot ’ — the dead centre of the putter head .
30 ‘ Sorry , ’ Michael said as our photographer 's head banged against the ceiling , which has an unfortunate bulge in it to accommodate the sun roof .
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