Example sentences of "it [vb past] for a " in BNC.

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1 He dropped the letter on to his desk where it fluttered for a moment , an innocent reminder of the arrangement made in that grey stone house in Ghent .
2 It fluttered for a moment and then folded right back against the fuselage , like a roosting bird .
3 It planned for a more open democracy to include a revision of " anti-terrorism " legislation and improvements in the field of human rights , media censorship and academic freedom .
4 He hesitated only briefly before he said , ‘ Because it asked for a reservation I have no wish to make .
5 Rye stood out from most other towns in that it became for a while a Puritan ‘ Common Wealth ’ , a centre of social experiment and rigorous public morality under its two vicars , Joseph Beeton and his successor John Allen .
6 Their friends told them they were crazy , it sold for a nickel and nobody , they discovered , had the curiosity to buy it although it did make all the local Greenwich Village news-stands .
7 They were n't so much being difficult as simply teasing , and it made for a very amusing if unproductive hour .
8 This was popular for warships but it made for a heavy hull .
9 I think in any marriage or in any family the father and the mother both play different parts , and in my own life I can remember things my mother did and things my father did and together it made for a happy home .
10 Perhaps it made for a safer relationship if , instead of arguing to a standstill , the party who felt herself misunderstood took her grievance elsewhere and satiated it in transgression .
11 It made for a somewhat strained atmosphere , but as a company they were used to that .
12 It made for a magnificent setting that culminated in that miracle of Verdi 's old age , the choral fugue that ends the opera , here sung with brilliant clarity and precision .
13 All in all it made for an uncomfortable meal , despite the chef 's first-class skills , and Sarella at least was pleased when it was all over and Marc , with deliberately precise timing , pushed his chair back to signal that they could now follow him out .
14 It argued for a policy of " managed retreat " , using natural rather than man-made defences , with nature conservation brought into the heart of shoreline defence policy .
15 It provided for a ban on imports of ozone-gobbling chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , of products containing CFCs , and of products which used CFCs in their manufacturing process .
16 It provided for a minimum but no maximum .
17 It provided for a ‘ union of sovereign republics ’ , not necessarily of socialist ones ; the Congress of People 's Deputies , in December , had agreed not to change the name of the state , but there was still some criticism that the world 's first socialist state had somehow disappeared with the promulgation of a union treaty that made no reference to its social character .
18 Envisaging a 4 per cent real growth in 1990 , it provided for a 10 per cent reduction in public expenditure , a wage increase for public employees , and the establishment of shops to sell basic items at low cost .
19 Instead of the elections earlier promised for April 1990 , it provided for a loya jirga or grand assembly of over 2,000 members ( 10 from each of 216 districts in Afghanistan plus 15 from each of the seven groups based in Peshawar , either elected or chosen by local councils ) which would select first a new government and parliament .
20 It provided for a cut in the top rate of income tax from 68 to 52 per cent , a cut in corporation tax from 50 to 35 per cent ( later amended to 40 per cent ) , and a range of cuts in excise duties on consumer goods .
21 It provided for a Supreme and a Constitutional Court , a High Court of Justice , an Economic and Social Council and a National Assembly elected under a multiparty system .
22 Published in August 1990 [ see p. 37807 ] and adopted by a constituent assembly on Dec. 15 , it provided for a multiparty system and direct elections for the presidency in 1991 .
23 It provided for a separation of powers , the establishment of a constitutional court and the holding of direct presidential elections .
24 It provided for a strong president , to be elected by a National Assembly for a five-year term .
25 It provided for a 3.1 per cent increase in overall spending , to a total of F1,330,360 million , against a predicted inflation rate of 2.8 per cent ( US$1.00=F5.6999 as at Sept. 16 , 1991 ) .
26 It provided for a record deficit of 185,340,000 million forint ( US$2,260 million ) , representing just under 6 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) and slightly less than the deficit expected for 1992 .
27 Technically , it was not a presidential system , because it provided for a dual executive , with a president and a prime minister .
28 It provided for an estimated expenditure of L£597,000 million and revenues of L£210,000 million .
29 It provided for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
30 It provided for an elected head of state who would appoint a Prime Minister from the party winning a majority in elections to a bicameral parliament comprising a National Assembly and Senate .
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