Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv prt] as " in BNC.

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1 She saw herself , her head a foam of lacy white like the shining tumbleweed caught in the evening light as it floats through the air , handed on to the bar stool , her little feet — her good point — showing beneath the hem of her skirt where it rode up as she adjusted herself .
2 It came about as the result of a committee set up under the chairmanship of that impeccable Liberal , Lord Haldane , to consider ‘ The Question of Foreign Espionage in the United Kingdom ’ .
3 My family were n't wealthy , could n't have afforded to send me away till it was over , could n't have kept it secret , so perhaps it 's just as well it turned out as it did .
4 It worked out as she hoped ; Tommaso was hanging about outside in the square with a group of other young men , smoking and strolling around to join the girls drawing the evening water at the fountain ; he came near her ; to her surprise , she saw he was n't smiling , not like the others , who were laughing and exchanging remarks , between themselves , grinning strenuously as they play-acted contempt for the young women they wooed .
5 For a day and a night the feasting on the horse filled everyone in the enclave with a dreadful exultation , but gradually it died down as the garrison came to realize that one horse was hardly enough to stay their hunger for more than a few hours .
6 Another possibility is that a woman had a bomb wired to her , and that it went off as she gave flowers to Mr Gandhi .
7 Ever since you went away we have been unable to get the fire to burn ; even if we borrowed a light from the neighbours it went out as soon as we brought it in . "
8 He glanced round again , but the Thing , the Beast , the Monster , or whatever it was , was hidden from his sight by the smoke it shot out as it galloped forward .
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