Example sentences of "it [vb past] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dei Verbum 12 may seem very elementary today , but it gave needed encouragement to long-suffering Catholic exegetes .
2 The government was , also , committed to a private sector as , in its manifesto , it had pledged support for the small businessman , of whom there were many in Chile .
3 Within twelve months it had exceeded expectations and become a £40million growth product .
4 Looks as if the message that an army of outsiders is needed to turn IBM Corp 's disparate businesses around is beginning to get through : yesterday the Personal Software Products division announced that it had recalled William Rich to be general manager , worldwide sales and marketing — he had left the company but had been acting as a consultant to it ; it has also tapped David Proctor as vice-president of products — Proctor is formerly president of Xerox Computer Services and had been president and chief executive of Ashton-Tate Corp ; before he took that position , he had served 23 years with IBM .
5 The Democratic Party also announced that it had selected Dr Sali Berisha , party leader , as presidential candidate , making him Mr Alia 's most likely successor .
6 The first details of the annexation were broadcast by the PFKG on Aug. 8 when it announced that it had asked Iraq to approve a " complete full unity merger between Kuwait and Iraq , so that Saddam Hussein will be our leader " .
7 The generous and charitable Spirit that appeared in her was exerted upon all Occasions to the utmost of her Ability , and was such as would have been ornamental in a much higher Sphere , to which in all Probability , if it had pleased God to spare her Life , her own Merit would have raised her
8 The transactions by which Union Discount had alleged it had suffered loss were too remote from reporting on the accounts .
9 But the picture was further complicated in 1983 when the Worcester DHA proposed to close another psychiatric hospital , with a similarly small and diminishing resident population , St Wulstan 's , for which it had assumed responsibility .
10 By the end of May 1991 Treuhand had disposed of 18,500 of the 23,000 businesses for which it had assumed responsibility in July 1990 [ for criticism in April 1991 of Treuhand policy see p. 38155 ] .
11 For he was realistic enough to recognize that even if the Greek distinction between the ‘ pure ’ and the ‘ useful ’ was ultimately illusory , still the kind of class-division to which it had given rise was deeply engrained .
12 It reminded him of his own inadequacy ; it made Arabella 's betrayal all the worse ; it had given Newley the courage to think of divorcing Georgina .
13 Actually , both garments fitted her very well , and the boater gave her the same kind of perky look it had given Annie .
14 Pittenweem was one of the burghs which favoured Alexander , although if it had favoured Anstruther , it would have been three to two .
15 In 1895 he began to build his first full-size glider , the Bat ; it had pronounced dihedral , and was fitted with a rudder but no tailplane .
16 There had been some good gangster films but the long-term significance of the genre lay really in its impact on contemporary American cinema generally , for it had taught Hollywood the dramatic possibilities of urban life .
17 The government ended seven years of legal wrangling over compensation by announcing on June 21 that it had fixed payments for relatives of those killed and injured in the Bhopal gas disaster of December 1984 [ see pp. 33647-48 ] .
18 Never , she swore , never would she let life mess her around the way it had messed Scarlet .
19 Last year the ministry claimed it had made progress , only to find it had to revise its figures to reveal no progress had been made for five years .
20 It had made Benny want to scream and scream .
21 He 'd said something similar once before and it had made Ronni feel a tiny bit guilty .
22 That it had made contact was evident , for Sister Mary let out a cry , a weird sound that was rather a yell not a scream .
23 PC Richard Parry said the car was very dirty and a detailed inspection failed to find any sign that it had made contact with the two pedestrians .
24 Equally , it had made entry to the place academically more competitive .
25 Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries was strongly in demand after results today showed it had made record half-year profits .
26 It had made Gina furious with jealousy .
27 Mr Masters was quite clear that he had first seen the blue BMW late on the Saturday evening , ten days before , pointing out that , while you could n't exactly complain , it had made access to his own forecourt space a little difficult , or at least when there was already another car on the forecourt , which there mostly was , that being Mrs Masters 's runabout .
28 One thing it had made hir certain of : .
29 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
30 Hewlett-Packard Co accompanied news that it had made $261m net profit for its fiscal first quarter ( a decline of 21% before a big accounting charge last time ) with news that it cut 1,700 jobs worldwide during the period .
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