Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The nation is haunted by what happened in 1940 , when it metaphorically came out with its hands up as Soviet tanks rolled in while world war was raging .
2 The Black Death began the long process of decline for many , but it rarely wiped out an entire village at a single blow .
3 I suppose the general aim is to get a huge Hollywood star , a singer , and perhaps a home-grown character , but it rarely works out like that and sometimes the most unlikely combination can really work .
4 The Polish one went down like a battleship , the bow sliding gracefully under and the stern lifting until the stern paddler was up to his waist in water , whence it slowly rolled over .
5 The women 's movement was maturing too , as it slowly swung back to the acceptability of some women choosing not to work outside the home .
6 But if you leave it on the back of the paper it slowly dries out and turns bright yellow , staining the paper in the process .
7 But then , with Matilda concentrating fiercely , one end of it slowly lifted up about an inch off the table-top .
8 The needle moves to its usual place but does not stay there ; it slowly drops back to zero .
9 I focused on the liquid as it slowly dribbled down .
10 It mostly comes up to you with a clipboard and says 'Do you mind sitting in traffic jams , yes or no' .
11 So although positivist criminology did concern itself with social and economic conditions , in a way that classical criminology did not , it mostly ended up just as timid-looking as far as drawing ‘ corrective ’ conclusions was concerned .
12 He tried re-dialling two or three times , but either it was a long conversation or he could n't time it right to slip in between calls .
13 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
14 It effectively conjured up the mixture of religion , fighting prowess and romanticism which the Legion held so dear .
15 In any event there was never any evidence that iron did any good for the non-anaemic , and it eventually fell out of fashion .
16 ( The United States built up huge rupee balances which it eventually wrote off . )
17 His head was like a dustbin , with all sorts of rubbish mingling in it , and all of it eventually spewing out of his mouth .
18 For The Silmarillion at least , though not published till 1977 , four years after its author 's death , was in existence as a ‘ narrative structure ’ not long after the First World War , while a version of it was submitted to George Allen & Unwin for publication forty years before it eventually came out .
19 It eventually settles down on the bottom of the sea and grows into a tiny flower-like organism called a polyp .
20 ( It is rather like dropping a cork into water : at first it bobs up and down a great deal , but as the ripples carry away its energy , it eventually settles down to a stationary state . )
21 Steve Douglas 's Fanzine ‘ Go for It ’ started this year , and from a piece of folded photocopied paper , it eventually went on to become a printed glossy skate mag covering much of the skate scene at the time and the next few years for which the Farnborough scene played a major part if not the main part .
22 That said , they were presented with some fairly easy targets , not least from the incredibly untidy lineout ball that the Welsh jumpers were offering poor Robert Jones before it eventually dried up altogether .
23 went missing for about four hours and when it eventually bolted out this hole it run straight up him and curled up to him .
24 A force was assembled under John of Gaunt which was to sail for Brittany in May , but its departure was held up until July , and when it eventually set out it made for Calais instead of Brittany .
25 Some of the luggage was mislaid and after claims were placed at the lost luggage desk , it eventually turned up which meant a dash across the city out our ‘ 5-star accommodation ’ , the Vienna Marriott Hotel .
26 And it eventually gestated out , and he wrote it for his Sunday school , and his church organist , Lewis Redner was asked to provide the music , and this is the music which Redner provided
27 Chemical tests have proved that the water from this sump makes a further journey underground , passing beneath the road and railway at Selside , then under the River Ribble , to reappear in a large pool , Tarn Dub , on the far bank of the river which , all initiative spent , it gently feeds along a surface channel .
28 It apparently died out in 1948 , and the present colony was first located at Boreham Street .
29 In itself , a date tells us nothing : it only takes on meaning when it is part of a series .
30 Be warned , though — AdPro needs a minimum of 4Mb of RAM to run properly , although it 's quite gentle on the hard disk space ( it only takes up 4Mb ) .
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