Example sentences of "it [adj] that [num] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ask yourselves , ’ he questioned the jury , ‘ is it possible that two exceptionally strong and stalwart officers could be put to death so easily by just one man and a mere youth , or would it have taken at least three if not four men to overcome them and cause such severe injuries ? ,
2 It will accelerate moves towards quality labelling and higher standards , and despite the sensationalising of what is in fact a minor problem , Watchdog emphasised the good points of fishkeeping , showed an attractive tank and made it clear that one family at least had not been put off fishkeeping by their mishap .
3 Mr Cameron said the Home Secretary appeared ‘ mystified ’ about the pay formula but made it clear that 1.5 per cent was the maximum rise available .
4 The receiver has gone in at only the parent company , and Sharp yesterday made it clear that seven of its 15 operating subsidiaries were going concerns .
5 SIR , — The figure of 500,000 Indians dying every year from tuberculosis reported by Mangla ( May 1 , p 1142 ) makes it clear that three decades of National Tuberculosis Control Programme in India has achieved little — either in reduction in incidence or prevalence .
6 They also thought it likely that two allies could bring that about — an outraged civilian persuading his powerful military friend .
7 There are those , however , who find it objectionable that one person should ever be permitted to take the life of another .
8 One disgruntled woman found it disgusting that 35 people could be expected to stand per 100 seated , with no guarantee of a seat .
9 ‘ I find it surprising that one of the day 's most popular services will miss out Allen 's West . ’
10 IS IT TRUE THAT 14 - 13 is the same as 13 - 14 ?
11 Let's just consider the political problem though you have still got a problem selling it to a lot of MP s , if they 're listening to this interview and they are concluding , maybe rightly , maybe wrongly , that actually things are n't changing very much , and they may think they 've been sold a pup with these amendments , indeed I hear that some of them have had to be bought off , well , is it true that one of them was sent off to Peru on an on an election er supervision mission in order that he might not be around when the bill came up .
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