Example sentences of "it [adj] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We consider it strange that adults ( teachers , parents , publishers of textbooks and examiners ) behave as if they believe both that manipulating fractions is a useful skill and that most children can acquire this skill .
2 I find it strange that people with whom I have been associated should now accept that independent bankers control so much of our destiny .
3 To conclude , at no time do I write expertises for payment , and I find it strange that Mr Stock should dispute an independent scholar 's freedom of expression .
4 Is n't it strange that men never seem to wonder whether it 's possible to love two women at once ?
5 I do not think it possible that datura , Indian or British , or deadly nightshade invaded our menu . ’
6 Was it possible that Hurley had forgotten to tell him they were putting in some decent professional equipment at last ?
7 ‘ Then is it possible that Harry interfered with legend ?
8 Thinking it possible that London 's streets would contain martyrs cudgelled to death , he wondered if that might be no bad thing .
9 Even the Communist Party was momentarily shaken by the apparent imminence of war — was it possible that Chamberlain was going to fight Hitler after all ? — but the errant comrades were quickly pulled back into line .
10 Now an atheist computer has declared its lack of belief in these gentlemen and , to howls of delight from fundamentalists in both Jewish and Christian religions , has made it possible that Ol' Grampa Moses was the culprit after all .
11 In requesting , A must ( a ) want B to come now , ( b ) think it possible that B can come , ( c ) think B is not already there , ( d ) think B was not about to come anyway , ( e ) expect that B will respond with an acceptance or rejection , and if B accepts , then A will also expect B to come , ( f ) think that his ( A 's ) asking may be a possible motive for B to come , ( g ) not be , or be pretending not to be , in a position to order B to come 4 .
12 Is it possible that Major would rather go into opposition — with the dangers that would mean for his continued leadership of the Conservative party — than offer PR and Scottish devolution to the Liberal Democrats ?
13 How was it possible that Ace , world champion , could feel so inadequate in his personal relationships ?
14 ‘ Is it possible that machinery will banish oppression ? ’ he asked .
15 Is it possible that bolt in my arm should have been through my heart ? ’
16 Was it possible that people were even more complicated than I had imagined , and had Mrs Monro once been young and funny ?
17 Is it possible that humans might feel overshadowed and surpassed , perhaps attacking the machines in a paroxysm of wounded pride , or , at the other extreme , coming to worship them , as an embodiment of a higher power ?
18 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
19 Was it possible that Charles ' previous luck could be repeated and he 'd find the door to the utility room open ?
20 Was it possible that Barrymore was in fact the man who had been watching Sir Henry in London ?
21 " Father — is it possible — is it possible that Jennifer and me could be wed before I go with you ? "
22 Was it possible that Short was part of the conspiracy , that he stood to gain from his own horse being beaten ?
23 Is it possible that Volkov is this factor ? ’
24 ‘ Is it right that monks can read ?
25 Ledeen always thought it self-evident that America should re-open contacts with Iran ; it could profit from the political fissures there , and could perhaps exploit the chaos that would undoubtedly follow the end of the Ayatollah 's rule .
26 Clare did think it odd that Carolyn 's Mum had n't been .
27 I found it odd that Robert had chosen to distinguish me alone as English and wondered how he saw himself and Lili and I found it odd that Lili had chosen to lay claim to Englishness .
28 Yet a few of his older parishioners , passing by the rectory wall and hearing the engine of the Suffolk Punch , might consider it odd that grass should be cut by a clergyman on the day of the Crucifixion .
29 I found it odd that Robert had chosen to distinguish me alone as English and wondered how he saw himself and Lili and I found it odd that Lili had chosen to lay claim to Englishness .
30 For instance , is n't it odd that World AIDS Day , the theme of which for 1990 was Women and AIDS , has come and gone , with no change for lesbians — no information , no acknowledgement , no nothing .
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