Example sentences of "it [adj] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you find it confusing to work cables from a written description , try following our step-by-step photographs above
2 The speed at which VELA operates makes it possible to record results from experiments that are difficult to measure any other way .
3 This has made it possible to set goals for growth , under the guidance of the Holy Spirit , and to hit them .
4 This will eventually make it possible to manipulate ecology so as to test the dependence of social structure upon it .
5 In my view this book would deprave and corrupt young children and I draw your attention in the sincere hope that you will find it possible to take action against the publishers .
6 If there can be no way of guaranteeing the full representation of all views , is it possible to create structures which lessen or remove restrictions on press ‘ freedom ’ ?
7 Is it possible to put life into dead things ?
8 Is it possible to put life into dead things ?
9 True — but only recently has technology made it possible to destroy life faster than it can be replaced .
10 How is it possible to exploit coral reefs for tourism , for example , but also use them as a food source ?
11 The rate of accumulation of biomass or NPP is expressed as weight of living matter/unit area/ unit time and recent work by the International Biological Programme ( IBP ) has provided more accurate estimates of NPP on a world scale for both continents and oceans , and this makes it possible to rank biome types according to NPP or present processes .
12 A distinction between the state , as the institution which carries on the function of government , and the government as the politicians currently in office , makes it possible to oppose policies without denying legitimacy , or even to challenge the legitimacy of particular ministerial procedures , without confronting the constitution as a whole .
13 Being able to integrate such datasets digitally has made it possible to generate prospectivity maps in a study of carbonate-hosted buried mineral deposits in the north of England .
14 Is it possible to carry evil within us , like a disease we transmit but like to think we do not suffer from ourselves ? ’
15 Agrarian reform was put into practice in the second half of the 1960s with the passing of a law , which made it possible to expropriate estates of over 80 hectares and they began by taking over the most economically inefficient .
16 The object of the Bill is to help to clear the streets , and , for this purpose , to make it possible to charge prostitutes who ply their trade in the streets and to stiffen the penalties against them .
17 There 's no going back from Grey 's capture — not until time has dulled the sting , at least , and made it possible to mention peace without being called a traitor by some city haberdasher in the commons .
18 The archer fish 's large eyes can be aligned so that , like our own , they produce a three-dimensional image , making it possible to judge distances .
19 In spite of his plans , as late as January 1938 Hitler told Colonel Beck that he considered the Danzig arrangements binding , that he thought it possible to accommodate Poland and that he had no territorial claims to make .
20 New technology , for example the use of membranes , can also make it possible to clean water so that it can be recycled .
21 These arrangements with established publishers also make it possible to reach bookshops through direct sales representation .
22 The needs of service provision will often necessarily dictate when space is available for teaching , though negotiations and liaison with managers should make it possible to streamline provision .
23 But this is overcome by the successive production series , which make it possible to incorporate improvements suggested by experience , once they have been fully thought out .
24 How then is it possible to withhold acknowledgement ?
25 By 1558 the Portuguese voyages around Africa and into the Indian Ocean , and the Spanish voyages to America which led on by way of the Philippines to the circumnavigation of the globe had made it possible to draw maps which , though they were wrong in important details , showed what the world was really like .
26 Like others , BOC was seeking to create advantages from an international presence and make it possible to do things a purely local operator could not afford .
27 The second edition of Introduction to High Energy Physics by D. H. Perkins requires considerable initial knowledge of quantum theory , but this does make it possible to use Feynmann diagrams immediately .
28 One will not arrive at the concept ‘ mass ’ through observation alone , however closely one scrutinizes colliding billiard-balls , weights on springs , orbiting planets , etc. , nor is it possible to teach others the meaning of mass merely by pointing to such events .
29 It was the view of Engels ( 1884 ) that these inheritance arrangements provided the foundation of the development of capitalism in Britain in the nineteenth century , since they had made it possible to retain property and wealth — and with them all other forms of social privilege and power — within the hands of a small number of families from one generation to the next .
30 ESRC support will make it possible to test theories systematically and rigorously to answer such questions as : To what extent do differences in national cultures and tradition in Central and Eastern Europe cause different responses in post-Communist societies ?
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