Example sentences of "it [modal v] now [be] " in BNC.

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1 It may now be time to risk the uncertainty of a split .
2 It may now be pointed out that , with the restriction ( 9.14 ) , the above solution includes the Khan-Penrose ( 1971 ) solution for colliding impulsive waves when .
3 Instead of having to prove substantial fettering of competition , it may now be enough for the Commission to show that competition has already been weakened by the presence of the dominant undertaking and that some further action on its part would impede the maintenance or development of effective competition in ( or in a substantial part of the Common Market .
4 Perhaps it may now be accepted that so long as a historian is acting as a historian , his criteria must arise from his own study and must not be imported from some other autonomous field .
5 Hard to believe though it may now be , Britain in the 1970s was experiencing a profound crisis .
6 It may now be an internal statement applying an accepted but unstated rule of recognition and meaning ( roughly ) no more than ‘ valid given the systems criteria of validity ’ .
7 It may now be time for the different royal colleges to examine the possible use of a standard hospital letter for all specialties to general practitioners .
8 If equation ( 3.32 ) were the true model , it may now be clear why ordinary least-squares estimators of the parameters in equation ( 3.30 ) will lead to biased estimators of the coefficients in equation ( 3.32 ) .
9 Whereas it was hoped that this would be brought to the Council by the end of November , it may now be into 1993 before the first draft is presented to the Planning and Development Committee .
10 This possibility has existed since the model became dynamic in 1976 ; with increased flexibility and resources it may now be possible to move towards a full-scale tracking exercise .
11 It may now be easier to obtain a patent for an invention which includes a computer program despite the apparent exception of computer programs from the scope of patent law .
12 In a personal injury action where the plaintiff prepares the summons it may now be served by the plaintiff 's solicitor sending it by first class post to the defendant at the address stated in the summons under Ord 7 , r10A .
13 But it may now be said that , so far from being a depressing conclusion , this states precisely the practical importance of conventionalism for adjudication .
14 It may now be said , however , that a self-conscious conventionalist would indeed ponder over past doctrine in the way actual judges do , not for evidence of popular opinion but more directly , because any lawmaker must take care to make new law consistent with old .
15 It may now be turned into an arts centre
16 But we think that because of the recent troubles there it may now be extinct in the wild .
17 It should now be apparent to everyone that such a riot can not be dealt with by any football Bill , ’ Howell said .
18 ‘ Be always ready , according to your power to relieve the poor and help the distressed … ’ is a quote from The Rules for the Conduct of Life , a copy of which is given to all new Freemen — or perhaps it should now be Freepersons .
19 Consequently , we feel entirely justified in holding that it should now be abandoned .
20 According to Panagia , it should now be possible to estimate the Hubble constant to within 10 to 15 per cent ( see ‘ Sizing up the Universe ’ , New Scientist , 27 March 1986 ) .
21 It should now be possible to narrow down your choice , but look at your checklist again and again — compare the numbers of rooms and their sizes ; consider the garages — gardens — parking space .
22 It should now be very clear that development is a dynamic process in which cells repeatedly interact with each other , change shape and position , and become different .
23 It should now be clear why the daggerboard must be fully down , as not only does it provide stability , but also the pivot point about which the board turns .
24 It should now be clear that you need to monitor the patient in order to know what to do .
25 From this brief résumé of the sources available to social researchers it should now be very clear that a vague wander through the bookshelves of the library is inefficient and time-wasting .
26 After studying this table it should now be apparent that any rhythmic groove is a combination of duple and triple time with added rests or ties .
27 When I say ‘ myths ’ it should now be clear that I am not using the term ‘ myth ’ in any pejorative sense but am referring to the cultural assumptions existing in the world of work .
28 It should now be apparent that for any rights theory to be capable of satisfactorily addressing the broader problems which now confront our traditional representative institutions it will need to transcend the essentially liberal principles which lie at the heart of Dworkin 's thesis .
29 It should now be clear that Buid attitudes toward peace and violence can not be understood in terms of innate psycho-biological dispositions , or in terms of their adaptation of the natural environment .
30 Explosions of nationalism like last year 's row over Macedonia , it should now be clear , are the worst way of pursuing their new interests in the Balkans .
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