Example sentences of "it [modal v] [vb infin] first " in BNC.

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1 A belief held by a number of software designers is that if the software is properly designed then there should be no need for an emulator ; it should work first time .
2 It must come first , and then we can implement it through a sensible reform policy that encourages farmers to get closer to the market , helps them with environmentally friendly farming , does not discriminate against the United Kingdom , helps those in the less-favoured areas and gives early retirement to those who are prepared to restructure their farms .
3 It will hold stock and spares and says it could get first machines as early as September from its US parent .
4 Sometimes it would start first thing in the morning and go on until the early hours the next day , ’ she said .
5 Nora guessed that if there was a fox in there and if it broke , it would seek first to go downhill .
6 Although this will exaggerate any effects of yaw/roll coupling , it will make first attempts less traumatic .
7 He had chosen to see trade as linear rather than circular , upward rather than lateral , egotistical rather than mutual : ‘ When all nations are traders , there is nothing to be gained by trade , and it will stop first where it is brought to the greatest perfection . ’
8 It will fit first time and perform exactly to specification .
9 It is the special situation of the Romans in this triangle that deserves the greatest attention , and it will come first in our consideration .
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