Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 When this occurs in the great blood vessels it may result in loss of the normal damping mechanism of the cardiac output due to the relative inelasticity of these vessels .
2 This can have the effect of moving the blockage further down the burrow , or it may result in one or more rabbits deciding to make a bolt for it .
3 In some cases it may result in a selective growth defect in the affected joints .
4 This can be a costly solution because it may result in the involvement of staff who must forgo their needed rest period or the employment of nurses from an inappropriate grade .
5 Another criticism of this strategy is that it may result in widely varying control requirements and pollution control expenditures for competing companies in regions of differing air quality .
6 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
7 Although this complication is unlikely to cause overt clinical problems it may result in diagnostic confusion particularly with peritoneal malignancy .
8 At its most extreme , it may result in the court rewriting the terms of a lease in order to do what is fair and reasonable between the parties in circumstances which they did not foresee at the date of the lease ( Pole Properties Ltd v Feinberg ( 1981 ) 259 EG 417 ) .
9 Lord Diplock said : " What it does in that capacity is governed by public law ; and although the legal consequences of doing it may result in creating rights enforceable in private law , those rights are not necessarily the same as those that would flow in private law from doing a similar act otherwise than in the exercise of statutory powers . "
10 It may vary in intensity and in duration .
11 It may consist in a rejection of the specific schemes or lines of evolution propounded by nineteenth-century authors .
12 It may consist in a rejection of the notion that there are identifiable stages , or that talking of stages is a useful way of visualizing evolution .
13 Its sense of smell must function for it to assess horses it has not met before , and also to fully recognise old companions it may meet in a different environment .
14 It may exist in disregard of a loving partner , it may be condoned in a marriage where that partner is unloving , it may be reprehensible in its effect on spouse and children or — occasionally — it may support the family 's continued existence in circumstances which might otherwise break it .
15 And y am I right , am I right in saying that you 'd say that e even though it may exist in itself , that it may even be , in fact be less in the flats than it is in the , in the wi in that in the wider area ?
16 Another way of expressing the same idea is that logic is like kicking a ball — it may go in a straight line , but if the direction is wrong it will not help the team to win the game .
17 It may aid in monitoring therapy ; in our patient the institution of warfarin therapy was followed by a striking reduction in the frequency of emboli .
18 Metre , then , may begin in what stress-phonology makes possible at any given period , but it may end in " the foot " having coercive power .
19 No one can tell what stimulus it may bring or the fruit it may bear in creative work by later generations .
20 In Dee , however , Palles C.B. deplored such a view , which he claimed was ‘ abhorrent to our best feelings and discreditable to any jurisprudence in which it may succeed in obtaining a place . ’
21 That may still be prudent if your fish are in the top-quality bracket , but otherwise it may pay in the long run to be looking at 12″ Koi upwards .
22 It was the first of such actions , however vague it may appear in remote retrospect , which introduced the concept of ‘ evil ’ .
23 A poem about a daisy or a butterfly , however quiet in tone and however naive it may appear in isolation , may be read in this context as a hymn to battle against economic thinkers , who could find no place for such useless natural objects in their systems of ideas .
24 ( a ) Show Grieg 's Bad Debts Provision Account , including bad debts , as it may appear in his ledger for the year ended 31 March Year 14 .
25 ( b ) Show the entry for debtors as it may appear in Grieg 's Balance Sheet at 31 March Year 14 , assuming it is prepared in good style .
26 It is clear that , although a document in terms purports to release one of two joint debtors , yet it may contain in terms a reservation of rights against the other joint debtor .
27 It may happen in February .
28 Another explanation of the self-cure phenomenon as it occurs in the field is based on the observation that it may happen in lambs and adults contemporaneously and on pasture with insignificant numbers of infective larvae .
29 Indeed , if the change is to enable the accounting reference periods of parent and subsidiary undertakings to coincide or because an administrator has been appointed , it may operate in respect also of the immediately preceding accountancy reference period .
30 And if that piece of code is fundamental to the application it may reside in several different routines within that code .
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