Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Later it may drop on prey from above a game trail .
2 It may disintegrate on impact or , if it survives that , it may carry on some distance under water .
3 You 'll spend the first couple of hours with ‘ Power Missy ’ trying to work out whether it 's a tease or a threat and then , just when you decide you really ca n't decide whether they 're all Polly Harvey bolshie or Sundays pliant , it may dawn on you that ‘ PM ’ is , in fact , f—ing scary , like playing S&M games with a dangerous schizophrenic .
4 Equally it may depend on the social factors that may have determined the decoration used ; the earlier brooches may be designed to satisfy a society in which there is less variation in social identity than later .
5 This will occur where the corporate controllers perceive that the long-run loss to the company 's wealth ( and to a greater or lesser extent their own — it may depend on a number of variables ) is likely to be greater than the short-term profits .
6 erm it may depend on what experience the people had before they did the course .
7 It may depend on the philosophy of management in the company or on the personality of the chief executive . ’
8 Although it has a long history , the paradox of the Prisoners ' Dilemma has recently been much studied for the light it may shed on the evolution of altruistic or cooperative behaviour .
9 Though it may snack on a strawberry , the ground beetle is an ally
10 Prompt antibiotic treatment , aggressive resuscitation , and debridement of the surgical wound , no matter how clean it may appear on the surface , is essential for successful management .
11 Once there it may appear on editor 's data bank visual display unit as a single-line headline .
12 In what follows , I want to look very briefly at the formal structure , and the various departments that may be found in it : and then in rather greater detail at the account group as it may operate on a single client 's account , and how it may — with luck — interact effectively with the client 's own operations .
13 The law of that state as to the service of documents originating abroad may permit documents to be sent directly to the defendant without the use of any local official acting as intermediary , or it may insist on the documents passing through , for example , the court having jurisdiction at the defendant 's place of residence , the parquet attached to that court , or a huissier practising in the relevant area .
14 For the sake of completeness and of the bearing it may have on the method by which Step 1 is achieved , a list is given here of the products which it is hoped to manufacture by the manipulation of the output from Step 1 .
15 While communication education may remain the priority of the Animation Programme , it is hoped that it may take on board also other concerns of the Forum Sector , while not excluding assistance with projects .
16 If the parent bird is aquatic and is making its display on water , it may turn on its side , flap one wing awkwardly in the air and paddle itself in a circle as if it is hopelessly crippled .
17 Moreover , members believe that having their party in office , whatever betrayals it may perpetrate on its supporters in the country , is better than having the opposition take over .
18 Peaceful though it may seem on the reef , it 's actually a battleground for even the most motionless creatures suggests LES HOLLIDAY .
19 It should draw on a wide spectrum of information sources : interview data , close description of observed events , documentary evidence , as well as test and examination results .
20 Sutherland , stressing that it is the largest land-based district council area in Britain , is one of the Highland authorities that believes it should remain on its own .
21 He was cooking ; murder was , for the moment at any rate , not in his thoughts , the sun was at last shining in the way it should do on a seaside holiday , and there were still three more days of holiday to go .
22 It should focus on internal needs defined by the school and its teachers , not merely what outsiders consider to be important .
23 Thus , taking the phrase which Bolinger uses as an example , it is certainly not the properties inherent in being a man that are strengthened when one utters a sentence such as : ( 19 ) walking into the bakery , I met the very man The same conclusion is indicated by the fact that it is perfectly satisfactory to use very in conjunction with a word like one ( as Bolinger himself observes ) , and yet this does not express any property which can be intensified , except singularity which is of course intensified by a quite different word ; note the following : ( 20 ) that is the very one ( 21 ) the supermarket did n't have a single one Actually , when very operates within a noun phrase it clearly acts as an intensifier of exactitude , not of quantity , so it is entirely natural that it should focus on the article ; that is , it does indeed qualify a property , but that property is , approximately , the notion " recognizable by my audience " , as expressed in the definite article .
24 Environmental groups such as the World Wide Fund for Nature had argued that it should focus on issues such as the development and use of selective fishing gear , reduction of waste , the protection and restoration of endangered species and the preservation of marine habitats .
25 Again it should flourish on a mainly vegetable diet .
26 Part A trial bundle two it should say on the front of it .
27 Barrows argued that geography should concentrate on the study of the association between man and environment , it should concentrate on themes which lead towards synthesis with an economic regional geography occupying a central place , but that specialized branches , including geomorphology , climatology and biogeography should be separated from the parent subject .
28 Critics say it should concentrate on a less exclusive market .
29 It should get on the 800 server series in the third quarter .
30 There was wide support for the continuation of the scheme , in the light of the endorsements provided by the Baldwin and Hill research project , and that it should operate on a demand-led basis .
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