Example sentences of "it [adv] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the basic discovery of the Detroit mentality was that a design did not have to be better engineered , more functional or more beautiful than what was already on the market in order to outsell it ; it just had to be newer .
2 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
3 It just had to be gone through .
4 Yes , it just had to be — a Mr Cutting .
5 As for the lads — it just had to be those gorgeously groomed guys Jason Priestly and Luke Perry , stars of Beverly Hills 90210 .
6 It just had to be upfront and radical .
7 Feeling certain that her imagination was playing tricks on her , Fabia , who knew that Ven was still in Prague , saw that it just had to be that Lubor owned an exactly identical pair of shoes .
8 It just had to be this year , when Anthony was champion , that they did n't .
9 In many Third World countries , therefore , comprador is a term of abuse and , as a consequence has lost most of the little value it ever had for analysis .
10 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
11 It might be contemptible , but it still had to be worth conquering ; and the fifteenth-century verse chronicle by John Hardyng , which demonstrated that Scotland , with its three fair university cities and fruitful countryside , could easily victual incoming English armies , makes the point very well .
12 It still had to be filled with an eye dropper , but the pen proved so successful that Montblanc continued producing them until the outbreak of World War II .
13 Secondly , the machine was not at the time of the contract in a deliverable state , since it still had to be removed from the concrete emplacement .
14 And whenever she bought it always had to be the best .
15 but he he would never stay except , you know , it always had to be in respectable kind of a barn or something he would live in , least And in fact instead of that he would ra if it was good days he would rather lie at the dyke side .
16 The present disc was made with help from the Delius Trust and certainly justifies the faith it always had in Norman Del Mar .
17 Moreover , the industry is beginning to lose the industrial image that it once had of a strike-torn and unreliable supplier .
18 The decision can only fuel speculation that it is suffering badly in the heat of an overcrowded Sparc-compatible marketplace that it once had to itself .
19 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
20 It lacks the vision , the panache , the self-confidence it once had under Mrs Thatcher , before she went sour .
21 This meant that the book not only had to pass general political censorship , commonly known as glavlit , the main obstacle for works of fiction ; it also had to be approved by the relevant government institutions , the Ministry of Atomic Energy , whose senior officials were named by Medvedev as being responsible for the accident .
22 Executive power — the power to set down the broad policies to be followed by the state and the ability to carry out or execute the laws was in the hands of the King , but the means for carrying it out had to be provided by parliament .
23 This was very disturbing emotionally for George , but it really had to be done .
24 Thanks to his father 's pre-war prudence , a fortune was there ; it simply had to be deployed .
25 It simply had to be endured .
26 It then had to be tested by training officers and checked by the IPG .
27 It then had to be washed and hung up to dry before my bucketful was " sold " to someone who got it ready for the shops .
28 It then had to be left to his governors and his staff colleagues to make such use as they could of any combination of qualities which he revealed .
29 It almost had to be , did n't it ? ’ said Donna .
30 Neuron Data 's UK operation replaces the distributorship arrangement it previously had with Data Sciences Ltd .
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