Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It was also the home of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club whose motto , ‘ The right crowd and no crowding ’ , neatly summed up its attitude — not for nothing has it been called the Ascot of the motor racing world .
2 Nevertheless , it seems highly improbable that had it been pursued the ‘ revolutionary ’ alternative , deprived as it would have been of any significant outside help , would have proved any more successful .
3 On it are written the details of over 30 schoolboy and YTS players , all signed by the Quakers with a chance of making the grade .
4 If the reasons for it are accommodating the release of people to , like Pam , Lewis and Ron and people like that whom we 've released , erm and the experienced temps then you can at least say when they come back then that position should revert back to the norm .
5 The computer system will only bring the returns that the company expects if the people using it are using the system fully , which can be guaranteed through investment in adequate training .
6 Nowhere to the west of the Wallace Line can be found the giant Cassowary , Birds of Paradise or marsupials of Australasia , and nowhere to the east of it are found the tigers , elephants , primates and early man which crossed the land-bridge once connecting Java , Sumatra and Borneo to mainland Asia .
7 It is wanted by its family , so why should n't it be given the chance to live ?
8 Around it were gathered the cloisters , quadrangles , halls , dormitories and playing fields of the school , stretching away up a gently sloping flank of the Quantock Hills .
9 For centuries it was persecuted and the cruelties heaped upon it were given the full backing of the Church .
10 Figure 9c shows the space which the same algorithm would explore if it were given the backwards version of the task .
11 The people who said it were telling the truth .
12 OMG president , Chris Stone , said Software AG would certainly be able to bring a product to market much more quickly if it were to use the OMG-compliant HD-DOMS for the task .
13 To say that if it were raining the balcony would be wet is to say this : among possible worlds where it is raining , the one which overall is most like our actual world is also one in which the balcony is wet .
14 Again , does " If it were raining the balcony would be wet " mean something about other ways that the world would be different , over and above the balcony 's being wet , if there were the difference that it was raining ?
15 What we have as premiss for the dependent conditional that if it were raining the balcony would be wet is roughly this : in that possible world most like our own in which it is raining , the balcony is wet .
16 But Clive Lawton , head of educational services , said there was still a long way to go , and he warned against being carried away with a good idea if it were to impoverish the rest of the scheme .
17 Perspective telescopes : with my nasty coffee , I read a report on race riots in my native city , where family and friends remain , as if it were recounting the behaviour of black and white mice in cramped and stressful lab conditions .
18 It had been presented to him by the City of Paris and on it were traced the lines of the new streets and boulevards which Napoleon III had worked out in conjunction with Baron Haussmann .
19 By now it was painfully clear that an aircraft display hall was the route for the Museum to take , if it were to secure the long term .
20 Why we have gone so long using our branch network as though it were doing the information job .
21 There were a few exceptions to prove the rule , but by and large the Commons looked as if it were fighting the class war rather than debating the need for the protection of wild mammals .
22 Any attempt to unite them would , therefore , have to be carefully planned if it were to win the acquiescence of the parties involved .
23 The main forum was generally placed at the central cross-roads and round it were grouped the chief buildings of the town .
24 If we have a principled way of discerning the stable sub-assemblies , thereby distinguishing them from merely arbitrary collections of parts , then we can as it were see the evolutionary pedigree of a complex structure .
25 In other words , once the magazine has come into his possession , the man as it were acquires the right to treat the images on its pages in whichever way he chooses .
26 Yes , in that sense , in that sense , the unconscious thought was expressed but the , but the point was , i the anxiety as it were got the better of the dream , did n't it , if you woke up ?
27 Do you feel that it 's pointing the right way , bringing the sun in through the right windows at the right time of day ?
28 It 's maintaining the diet for longer and keeping the weight off which is the tricky part .
29 It only works in the direction in which it 's throwing the ions .
30 IT 'S seeing the funny side that keeps Les Barker buoyant .
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