Example sentences of "it [verb] to make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
2 Yet it needs to make good the outdated complex , which is not even geared to withstanding bad weather .
3 What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain , the greenhouse effect , nuclear weapons , and genetic engineering ?
4 Building reusable code can take more time initially , so it has to make good business sense to invest the extra time on a particular object .
5 Often as not it has to make several passes through the gravel before all of the suspended matter is finally trapped in the gravel .
6 It wants to make sure that everyone knows what harassment is , that harassment will not be tolerated and that there is a procedure for dealing with the problem .
7 The machine is being pitched at banks and telephone companies ; it also said it plans to make available ruggedised versions of the 340 and 350 systems and servers ; and that it cut prices 17% on the Powerserver 950 , and 14% on the 400Mb disk drive for the RS/6000 .
8 The more of these properties a dummy possessed the more strongly it was mobbed , but it seemed to make little difference whether the object was a stuffed owl with real plumage or an owl-shaped piece of painted wood .
9 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
10 It seemed to make more sense than having Rib Shacks in Reading and Rugby or elsewhere , ’ he said .
11 There may be some who find it relaxing to make some test-tubes or cut out some filter-papers ; and apparatus to investigate previously unsuspected effects must be made from scratch , or assembled opportunistically from things designed for old purposes ; but ready availability of apparatus is an enormous bonus to the scientist , and the growth of science led to a flourishing trade .
12 ‘ We know how fast food moves through its gut , how much energy it takes to make one post-larval prawn from the day it hatches , and so on .
13 One steel factory in Silesia found that it could no longer afford to make the heavily subsidised , high-quality steel it used to produce before the new budgetary regime , so it began to make smaller quantities of low-quality steel , which it found could be exported to Germany at a profit .
14 How long will it take to make these reductions ?
15 So she was pressing the wrong keys ; did it have to make such a racket ?
16 Often a change of publisher does wonders for an author , but it seems to make little difference to this man 's sales .
17 Siemens AG has formed a joint venture with the city of Shanghai and the Chinese Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications to produce digital mobile phones and base stations : it aims to make 300,000 phones and 500 base stations each year .
18 It aims to make more information about Gerson available , fund research projects , and eventually it hopes to set up a centre for people who want to try it , in combination with psychological counselling , according to Renee Henry .
19 But here , walking away down Park Avenue , was a man in whose power it lay to make whole all broken things ; even Pie 's wounded spirit .
20 It tries to make evident , to say what in these complex relations remains unsaid and therefore unthought , in design practice as much as in design policy or social thinking .
21 Nor did it seem to make any difference to ability to perform everyday activities ( such as selecting the correct coins for shopping ) which were poor for many in both samples .
22 Gerver ( 1980 , personal communication ) had reported a high correlation between these measures and foreign language interpreting abilities , and it appeared to make little difference which language the text was presented in .
23 Meanwhile , Unix International is being very secretive about an announcement it expects to make this week that it hopes will propel the industry further along the path of unity .
24 So the surprising feature of Ibstock Johnsen is that it continues to make any money at all .
25 If its policy seemed more or less radical at different times it was n't necessarily changing its view of land reform , but it was keeping its final goal of socialism in sight so it had to make short term expediencies .
26 It seeks to make clear that the task is bound to be an impossibility , because the unbeliever lacks the God-given capacity to understand .
27 If it manages to make that charge stick , it will have got itself a powerful vote-winner .
28 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
29 N G Os have shown over and over again that by working alongside a community they can help identify the barriers to development experienced by that community and they can support the community as it works to make social and economic progress .
30 In particular , it wanted to make sure that auditors told it promptly of any concerns they might have about a banking client .
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