Example sentences of "it [verb] no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 And if it make no noyse and will bear thy horses , thanne sowe in the name of Godd . ’
2 It make no difference at all , electronically speaking , whether the line is printed from left to right or from right to left and most modern printers are capable of bi-directional printing .
3 Prohibition is only available to restrain illegal action and so it plays no part in correcting errors of law within jurisdiction , for which certiorari is the only remedy .
4 It experienced no problems but found the fuel too expensive , at about 24 pence a litre compared to 10 pence a litre for diesel .
5 The defendants sought to have the claim struck out on the ground that it disclosed no cause of action .
6 July 26 , 1976 The barrister successfully applied to have the third party notice struck out on the grounds that it disclosed no cause of action .
7 It receives no funding from the UN and relies on voluntary funding .
8 It displays no cross reactivity with TNF Β , interleukin-1 or interleukin-6 in ELISA or cold competition assay .
9 That is not to say that it involves no notion of a lawlike statement , or , to speak of reality rather than our language for it , no notion of lawlike connection .
10 This will not affect money supply since it involves no sterling transactions and hence will not affect banks ' sterling deposits .
11 It involves no recourse to sophistry , and it demystifies and strips of sensationalism the termination of the use of artificial support .
12 Because the Hall effect ammeter measures the current remotely , it imposes no load on the system .
13 On the other hand , the dual-function module is larger than either of the single-function modules it replaces , so it offers no benefit for single-function runs .
14 Hut 2 is a dumping-ground for bunk beds , it offers no space to any other furniture .
15 Elsewhere Sun Express reckons it can deliver products 20% below the cost on SMCC price lists — it offers no installation , service or support .
16 I believe that it offers no benefits to my constituents .
17 Even so , it offers no guarantee of an early end to the month-old blockade of Armenia by Azerbaijan , an extension of their feud over the region of Nagorny Karabakh .
18 This attempt to be influenced by the maximum of factual knowledge is in a sense a rational way of trying to answer ethical questions ( this being perhaps the Stevensonian answer to the second question raised in the introduction ) , but it offers no guarantee of congruence .
19 But the program can only describe ; it offers no remedies .
20 It offers no compaction format or help compiler to minimise system resource requirements .
21 Primary prevention of this type is not really preventive ; it offers no answer to the parents at risk other than they do not proceed with their decision to have a child .
22 Licensing thus gives some ‘ protection ’ to the general public but it offers no immunity to the retailer .
23 Sources close to the investigation suggest it has been dormant for some months and that it produced no conclusions one way or the other .
24 His suicide , in protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the forces of the Warsaw Pact — only Romania declined to participate - seemed to catch at the Western conscience as somehow symbolic of those dreadful days , though it produced no result other than a further deepening of the Cold War .
25 This procedure is repeated until it produces no change ; usually two or three passes through the data ( iterations ) are sufficient .
26 Although RME is more expensive than diesel , it produces no sulphur dioxide and less carbon dioxide , factors which make it particularly suitable for use in urban areas .
27 It produces no facts , no economic forecasts to substantiate it 's ideas , if you can call them ideas .
28 It produces no smoke , and its heat output is so controlled that it is not much warmer than the surrounding air and therefore hard for infra-red devices to detect .
29 And that will get it eased no bother at all .
30 In 1812 a model of this was sent to the Society of Arts by Hugh , Earl Percy ( later third Duke of Northumberland , q.v. ) , but it made no award of its reaping-machine premium as the invention was ‘ incomplete ’ without proper trials .
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