Example sentences of "it [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Essentially a text orientated language , it has been expanded to give graphics capability .
2 It never drops below magnitude 10.5 , and at maximum it may rise to 5.9 , so that it is then on the fringe of naked-eye visibility and is easy in any binoculars ; it is distinguished by its intense redness , and it has been nicknamed the Crimson Star .
3 It has been tailored for its purpose and has been tested extensively over the past 12 years .
4 The standard method of recovery must be taught because it has been proven to be effective during testing .
5 Physically it is costly because it has been proven to cause ulcers , arthritis and all sorts of other conditions .
6 Chair of the Fire Board , Councillor Bill Axon , said : ‘ The Fire Service has been perceived as a male-dominated , macho career where women ca n't participate , but it has been proven in other brigades that women can take part on an equal footing to males . ’
7 It has been proven in trials to be one of the most accurate machines of its kind , comparing well with laboratory standard equipment .
8 Gould ) , and the House of Lords ( of which it has been asked whether we can continue to afford it as a court of ultimate resort in criminal law , a question prompted less by economics than by an expositor 's desire for consistency ) .
9 In particular , it has been asked whether there are political mechanisms , other than dictatorship , that , without restricting the nature of the preferences of voters and the choices that they can make , do not give rise to the non-existence problem .
10 Since the work of S. S. Stevens in the 1930s and later , it has been recognized that , although the Weber-Fechner Law holds for many sorts of sensory experience , the exponent varies widely ; nevertheless , the principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus , neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact and now appears to be well-established .
11 Since the early years of this century it has been recognized by scholars that this story had its origins in a tale about someone being attacked by the spirit or demon of the Jabbok , the embodiment of the great dangers involved in crossing the river at night after the rains .
12 Over thousands of years it has been recognized that the human body has a non-physical component , and it is striking that through all the descriptions there is a strong energy theme .
13 While both the philosophical and sociological responses to Mannheim 's work was critical and did not exactly embrace the sociology of knowledge as an exciting new project , it has been recognized as a promising new area for development .
14 Increasingly it has been recognized that there is a need to focus explicitly on the nature and form that child abuse or child protection interventions take in everyday practice , and in the process to try and identify models of good practice which can then be developed in the future .
15 On the other hand , it has been recognized that such concessions can , if applied fairly and without discrimination , aid the efficient administration of the tax system .
16 There is little doubt that there is some truth in this story , but more recently it has been recognized ( see for example , Jensen and Meckling , 1976 ) that modelling the behaviour of the chief executive without thought as to the behaviour of other actors in the firm is naive .
17 Offenders who are mentally disordered suffer the stigma of being labelled as both ‘ mad ’ and ‘ bad ’ , although for centuries it has been recognized that some people have diminished responsibility for their actions as a result of mental abnormality and that punishment and retribution , usually demanded by society of someone who has committed a crime , should be dispensed with in favour of providing humane care and treatment .
18 Additionally it has been recognized that the largest concentrations of first-class villas often clustered around the small towns in preference to major towns or cities .
19 In most countries , governments have accepted an increasing role in regulating health , safety , and quality standards because it has been recognized that this is a potentially important area of market failure .
20 It has been recognized that the European Directives are increasingly affecting what happens in the workplace .
21 It has been pointed out by various ‘ consumer experts ’ and journalists , who feel they have stumbled on a minor scandal that deserves an exposé , that many mineral waters contain significant amounts of metals and salts .
22 It has been pointed out that the only propositions of which this is true are ‘ analytic ’ propositions — those that contain not statements of fact but rules about language .
23 It has been pointed out that the legal protection of children 's welfare is not the same as the conferment of rights on children , since it presupposes that welfare agencies , judges and even parents would have the right to take decisions on the child 's behalf .
24 In this connection , it has been pointed out that :
25 It has been pointed out ( Akehurst and Drummond , 1989 ) that , while managers take some of the decisions controlling resource allocation , such as the nature of the ‘ hotel ’ facilities in hospitals , the major resource allocators are the doctors .
26 However , it has been pointed out by Dr. B. Leadbeater , that great care must be taken before these formulae are used to determine the efficiency of dilution for abatement of odour nuisance , for in order to achieve concentrations below the threshold detection levels some odorants would need diluting by a factor in order of 6,000 , so unless very high chimneys are contemplated this method only provides a limited answer .
27 The text does , however , refer to a rescript , and it has been pointed out that oddities in the structure and language may be due to incorporating that .
28 It has been pointed out that the behaviour of zebras simply does not match with this picture of them standing very still in broken cover .
29 It has been pointed out that the modern ostrich and the Cretaceous Struthiomimus lived in the same sort of exposed habitat , and thus evolved similar bipedal running gaits .
30 It has been pointed out that incense was given to Jesus at his birth , and perfume poured over him to prepare him for his death .
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