Example sentences of "it [verb] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it was a book about hierarchy , and that is why it became of interest to Carolingian bishops , as there is evidence that within a decade it did .
2 Nevertheless , since 1915 other theories of gravity have been advanced , though the great majority of scientists today accept Einstein 's General Theory and the explanation that it offers of Mercury 's precession .
3 It smelled of wood and a sort of quite pleasant mustiness .
4 It smelled of shellfish , newsprint , disinfectant — and the lime-encrusted urinal at the far end .
5 It smelled of petrol and TCP .
6 It smelled of petrol .
7 It smelled of horses .
8 It was a very dowdy dress , and old , and it smelled of mothballs and , faintly , of years of perspiration soaked into the fabric , but it had been well and carefully preserved .
9 Or she could say that Derek had always had charming manners and was in the habit of commending ladies on their scent , even if it smelled of Alexandrian sewers , and sound as though she had lost something worth keeping — and inevitably regretful .
10 It smelled of wine dregs , damp soot , and whitewash .
11 Inside it smelled of timber and peat and wood-shavings .
12 It smelled of Thérèse 's stale breath and sweat .
13 Ludens , who had been watching this face attentively for some time , could now however read in it signs of care , a wrinkling of the brow , not marked exactly in any lines of flesh but as a cloud poised , the mouth and eyes narrowing as in thought or pain , the hints of a perhaps imminent older face .
14 I spoon some health and vitality into my mouth ; it tastes of sawdust .
15 ‘ Have some of my hock : it tastes of furniture polish . ’
16 And it built of timber .
17 In the Baronnies you can see where the country is going hang , and very pretty it looks of course , with wild flowers flourishing where there were once crops or grazing animals , and the woodlands taking over cleared hillsides .
18 When he tried to swallow the lump in his throat he found that it tasted of beck-water .
19 This cigarette tasted different ; it was a Gauloise , and it tasted of France , as pungent , as unacceptably alien as that knotty sausage .
20 It tasted of petrol , mixed with creosote and hair oil .
21 There was no sugar on it , but it tasted of salt .
22 A woman in a provincial restaurant ate a steak and complained that it tasted of cardboard .
23 Jean-François Briant cuts sheets of steel into more or less identifiable natural forms , leaves with veins incised into openings , ears of corn , vegetable silhouettes which slide imperceptibly towards representations of objects as if at every fold and cut the metal allowed one to read into it fragments of history , of a previous life .
24 Despite boasts months ago , it has of course been unable to get volumes at 200MHz and probably wo n't until third quarter 1993 .
25 It has of course a ‘ baronial ’ hall ( in addition to , not instead of , a salon ) , complete with ‘ its rich roof , its gallery and screen ’ , not to mention its buttery-hatch which is , moreover , put to its proper use .
26 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
27 3.9 It has of course long been recognised that a person who suffers an identifiable psychiatric illness or psychological condition , often referred to as nervous shock , can be awarded damages without the necessity of showing direct impact or fear of immediate physical injuries for himself where another dies or suffers personal injury .
28 It starts of Stuart says to Geoff what team do you support , support and he says Nottingham Forest , ooh Nottingham Forest urgh and he takes the mickey out of him which okay , then he called him
29 The Life of Johnson makes plain how Boswell had been staking out the ground since their early acquaintance , making notes immediately after each meeting of what he himself was eventually to ‘ consider the peculiar value ’ of the Life , ‘ that is , the quantity it contains of Johnson 's conversation ’ .
30 It stinks of kid wee !
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