Example sentences of "it [verb] [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The resolution also ordered " all States in which there are funds of the Government of Iraq " to transfer proceeds to a UN escrow fund , and undertook to return to Iraq all monies so raised if it agreed to sell oil under UN supervision [ see pp. 38942 ; 38788-89 ; 38838 ; 39026 ; 39115 ] .
2 First , it failed to take account of the fact that British industry at the time was undergoing traumatic upheavals and that the impact of this upon firms had to be recognized if the need to decentralize in the first place was to be understood .
3 In Aden Nizan had learned a simple and never-to-be-forgotten lesson : that to live one 's life , as he had since the age of twelve , with the sole objective of not being a loser was an inadequate response , since it failed to take account of the political and social structures which determined the real significance of such a project .
4 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
5 Prospects were bleak a year ago at Thornaby Impasse after it failed to secure funding .
6 The LTE objected to the direction on the ground that it failed to have regard to the LTE 's financial duty under section 7(3) to break even so far as is practicable .
7 For example , when Kodak wished to set up a regional distribution centre in Nairobi , it failed to gain permission for ‘ green channel ’ facilities for the re-exports .
8 It failed to win government and parliamentary approval .
9 Our report on this matter was sent to the presbyteries under the act , but it failed to win acceptance .
10 Later in October the government confirmed a change in cocoa marketing strategy , saying that it planned to sell cocoa in relatively small quantities through the London market , with the aim of stimulating competition and securing an increase in prices , rather than seeking to obtain large-scale contracts with overseas buyers [ for January 1989 cocoa deal with French trading house see p. 36413 ] .
11 Secondly , if a worker does not want that to happen , sufficient funds may be transferred to a commercial company to enable it to continue to pay pension entitlements , including index linking .
12 The Cambridge-based group intends to use the cash it receives to increase group shareholder funds and reduce borrowings , which increased £600,000 to £20.8m due to exchange rate movements .
13 Remarkably , its arguments began to sound like those of the Central Electricity Generating Board , as it sought to cast doubt on the very existence of an acid rain problem .
14 Most of the Party 's agitational work was devoted to the very small number of local kolkhozy , as if , like Catherine the Great , it sought to derive comfort from over-concentrating on its equivalents of Potemkin 's model villages .
15 It sought to overcome conflict within capitalist societies by encouraging Christian leaders to reconsider Leo XIII 's suggestion of introducing ‘ industrial associations ’ .
16 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
17 Another factor is whether or not the death of a plant or animal necessarily coincided with the point at which it ceased to exchange carbon with the environment .
18 There was nothing distinctive about the black London taxi except that it swooped to pick Rain up when she had not hailed it .
19 Cleveland County Council hopes an attempt it made to stop solvent abuse is taken up by other authorities .
20 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath , to save life or to destroy it ( Mark 3:4 ; Luke 14:3 ) .
21 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath ; to save life or to kill ?
22 Nor did it seek to extend state and party control into areas of civil life which served no immediate political and economic end .
23 No more than the latter does it seek to lay claim to ‘ the real , or Truth as such .
24 Based largely on Michels 's study of trade union organizations , the model supposes that once any radical organization has grown to the size where it needs to delegate responsibility to professional organizers , and once it has been in existence long enough to produce a complex bureaucracy , then the original radical thrust is lost as the professionals redirect the organization to serve their own ends .
25 Rights issue worries were affecting British Airways after reports that it needs to fund expansion plans .
26 The diesel engine faces the same problem as many middle aged executives — it needs to lose weight .
27 It needs to have continuity and stability but in the private sector the real difference is the incredible rate of change in the market place .
28 It needs to make access top information simple , right down to desktop level .
29 As such it needs to make use of concepts which define the political sphere , the nature of political relations and institutions , the state , government , law , etc. ; and it generally has as its point of departure a broader scheme of thought about human nature and society .
30 Hunter Square can not possibly be this type of space — it has to generate activity as a result of life spilling into it from buildings around , rather like what happens in Covent Garden .
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