Example sentences of "it [verb] [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
2 It involves studying for a qualifying law degree and then proceeding direct to the Legal Practice Course , which is the professional training for solicitors .
3 Here it sits waiting for a dose of stress to weaken your immune system when out it pops .
4 While I will grant you that it beats filing for the Inland Revenue , it is a suitcase existence and no matter how glamorous the location of the meeting we very rarely see beyond the airport , the hotel and the stadium .
5 It seemed fitting for Thatcherism to end , not with a bang , but with the protracted whimper of a ‘ hung ’ parliament ; with the Tories struggling on for days trying to patch up some squalid deal with the Ulster Unionists , before Neil Kinnock and Paddy Ashdown were driven to 10 Downing Street in their Daimlers .
6 Brookhouse was fortunate for , as the cloth trade went into decline , it managed to attract a new industry that enabled it to keep going for a century longer than many of its counterparts .
7 Hot water was available but it meant vying for position in the kitchen with those cooking breakfast and making tea .
8 He did not object to fulfilling her ‘ romantic notions about this and that ’ if it meant searching for a butter churn and separator but he drew the line at finding her a hacking pony .
9 So when Esquire ask for their 2,000 words next month about the connection between the Croatian Winter Olympics team uniform and Public Enemy , or the brutal point of Michael Barrymore , I can somehow contrive it that I end up writing about how it feels waiting for Maddy 's first smile , about the wonder of her 35th day , about her growing up and me growing up .
10 It means striving for excellence everywhere and every time , whether it be in the warehouse , reception , computer operations , the sales offices or elsewhere .
11 Joined by the rest of the Brigade ( two battalions ) , it continued fighting for the next six days .
12 It remained floating for some minutes , with lights burning at the upper windows and people shouting for help , and then finally sank .
13 The article also said that as this test only measured Phosphate levels from 1mg/1 upwards , it makes testing for Phosphate very difficult as problems can occur at lower levels .
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