Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most other scientists , however , were willing to accept quantum mechanics because it agreed perfectly with experiment .
2 Some may not like this idea , because it veers away from established convention , but it 's quicker , plus it saves the hassle of breaking a string peg at an important moment and being left dangling , so to speak .
3 Somehow I ca n't see it catching on in the way Play-Doh did .
4 It testifies both to a new realism in Moscow 's approach to the country 's profound economic crisis , and acknowledgement by the Western financial community that red-blooded free market therapy can not alone provide the answer .
5 Had the allegation been less specific — had it referred only to " certain police officers in Oxfordshire " , for example — the Banbury officers would not have been able to prove that what was published related to them .
6 And it applied also to the Chartists — ‘ A nation can not become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations ’ .
7 Section 7(1) could be construed as applying to previous enactments , but it was argued that it applied also to subsequent enactments .
8 Prior to that date , it applied also to non-private customers .
9 This was especially true of the Fire Service , our immediate neighbours , and it applied equally to those in the adjacent Gateshead Borough Police and Northumberland Constabulary , who were always talked of as being a lesser breed of mortals .
10 It applied equally to the Galapagos Archipelago where the ancestors of Darwin 's finches had on arrival resolutely stuck to their islands and refused to travel short distances across water to interbreed and had consequently evolved into thirteen distinct species .
11 The EC-IBM 1984 agreement was also dated in that it applied only to mainframes ( specifically the IBM 370 series and successors ( which were now of less than their previous dominant significance .
12 However it applied only to firms with 15 or more on the payroll .
13 It applied only to mergers between companies whose combined worldwide turnover exceeded 5,000 million ECU ( approximately US$6,500 million ) and where the aggregate EC turnover of each of at least two of the companies involved exceeded 250 million ECU .
14 Lord Denning decided that if the clause was limited by its perceived object it applied only to such part of the GUS group as operated within the UK .
15 It was the first time that there had been a debate on the viability and the desirability of having an element of compulsory further education , which in theory was to enrol all adolescents , though in practice it applied mainly to those from the working class .
16 It plays heavily on indirectness– intimacy and common understanding .
17 You can also zero the counter at your end point on the tape , then rewind to the start point : when it plays up to 000 the machine stops the tape and rewinds to the beginning .
18 It plays hard on the so-called ‘ 90-10 ’ rule , claiming that 90% of the code is already out there and that only 10% needs to be written .
19 It plays hard on the so-called ‘ 90–10 ’ rule , claiming that 90% of the code is already out there and that only 10% needs to be written .
20 The general manager of its NT business unit Paul Gifford was named to the post of vice president , systems architecture responsible for bringing NT , the hitherto poor relation , into the mainstream and figuring out how it plays together with Unix .
21 It operated also with regard to lands and rights that had once been given to God or the saints : the gift could never be withdrawn or diminished without sin .
22 The ingenuity of it was that it operated exactly like a Jacquard loom , which is a loom for weaving tapestries without human control no matter how intricate or varied the design .
23 It seems possible that it operated fitfully until the spring of 1911 .
24 So the maximum is nine that people can hold on to and the thing about nine of course is it splits up into three threes and that 's why I say some people will group a twelve number into four threes or something like that or three fours because they 're all well within this span of conception .
25 Long may it stay just like that .
26 But in the second week television coverage of defence doubled to 12 per cent , and in the third week it doubled again to 26 per cent before almost disappearing from the bulletins in the fourth and fifth weeks .
27 Between 1801 and 1851 the area 's population doubled and it doubled again from 1851 to 1921 , the year that saw the culmination of the first phase of the town 's development as a capitalist urban locality .
28 The semi-set jelly has a deliciously seductive , viscous quality as it trembles briefly in the mouth before slipping , fragrant and alcoholic , down the throat .
29 Her voice echoed in the stairwell as she raised it to carry back to him .
30 It drains down to the moat , ’ Sir Brian mumbled .
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