Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In capture theories more possibilities open up : the Moon could have suffered its late heavy bombardment as it tumbled through space before capture ; it could have suffered it from debris already in orbit around the Earth or the large basins alone could have arisen from such debris ; or it could have been bombarded by material which entered the Earth-Moon system after the Earth had captured the Moon .
2 Last week it agreed in principle that Switzerland could take part in projects where its participation would strengthen the research effort .
3 At the beginning of last year it agreed in principle a 15-year deal covering fuel supplies and reprocessing at a cost of £2.7 billion , but the contracts have not yet been signed .
4 Although the SNP recorded swings in several seats it failed to breakthrough in the Labour seats it would need to win in any significant nationalist revival .
5 Held , granting the application , that the Act of 1987 placed the Bank of England under a wide public duty to supervise deposit-taking businesses , the fulfilment of which often required it to take urgent action in the interests of those whom the Act was designed to protect ; that a notice from the Bank of England under section 39(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1987 requiring production of documents overrode an injunction restraining that bank from disclosure of the documents to a third party , and the existence of an injunction did not constitute a reasonable excuse under section 39(11) for failure to comply with the section 39 notice ; and that the injunction should not , in any event , be interpreted as prohibiting compliance with the notice ; that it was proper for such a notice to specify the documents to which it applied by class rather than individually ; and that , accordingly , the defendants should be directed to comply with the notice ( post , pp. 717G–H , 718C , 719B–C , 721C , 722C ) .
6 The book contains chapters such as ‘ Playing a round with nature ’ ( presumably it plays off scratch ) , as well as a roll call of courses which have worked with the environment in their design and management , namely Royal Troon , Royal St. David 's ( in Harlech ) , Tenby , Lindrick ( in South Yorkshire ) , Gleneagles ( which provides a habitat for , amongst others , kestrels , partridges , pheasants and roe deer ) , Luffenham Heath , Sundridge Park , Royal Birkdale , Woodhall Spa and Western Gailes .
7 Both as social models and as models of narrative functioning , structuralist theories have gained wide currency within the institutional framework that determines how literature is read and the role it plays in society .
8 However , it remains to be seen how the class struggle , and the part it plays in history , are to be analysed .
9 In particular , they point out that the phenomenon of monitoring can not be confined within the restricted role it plays in Monitor theory :
10 IT launches on Hallowe'en and encompasses Guy Fawkes night .
11 In summary , his view that the State was the instrument through which the dialectic operated was evidently right ; and Marx 's view that it operated through class warfare as evidently wrong .
12 He concludes that ‘ it is not too strong to say that the marriage law as it operated in practice in England from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries was a mess ’ ( p. 135 ) .
13 The share of Africa and Asia then plummeted to less than 2 per cent by 1815 , although it doubled in value .
14 I mean s Kingsley Black has stood it in here to the second post now if he does n't feel he can get enough on it to go for goal he should keep it in the danger area just turn it back across the face of the goal and let one of the other lads have a go at it , Collimore or Rozario .
15 Why leave it to go to waste ?
16 Those of us who live in north-east Kent have always believed that there should be a fast link , and we have been perfectly happy for it to go through south London , to where our constituents who will benefit from the link wish to travel .
17 They had left the paddock gate open , and Joe had taken advantage of it to go in search of more of the nice green apples he remembered having enjoyed so much the previous day — but this time he did n't reach Jessica Turvey 's orchard ; he got himself trapped in the marsh .
18 It equips for battle
19 it differs in direction and speed from the true wind experienced when standing still .
20 Mainstream elitism is now represented by writers such as Keller and Aron , as we discussed earlier ; this refers mainly to the interactions and functions of ruling and strategic elites , and though it differs in emphasis from earlier writings , these writers appear to have normative assumptions not radically removed from those of the classical elite theorists .
21 It is therefore part of the mix of benefits a company offers its customers , although it differs in essence since the initial objective is to minimise its necessity .
22 One final point to be remembered about contributory negligence is that it differs in effect from a finding of negligence .
23 Functionalism as we shall understand it differs from causalism , first , in not restricting the relata in question to two categories : external input or stimuli and external output or behaviour .
24 Delay occurs when the operator is doing nothing — usually waiting for a machine to complete a sub-task — it differs from storage where there has been a particular decision to put something aside .
25 It differs from BSL in the same way as Gaelic differs from English .
26 While British Standards ( BSi ) sets minimum requirements for the number of facilities for men and women , the provision of public lavatories is the responsibility of local authorities , so it differs from area to area .
27 There may well be an element of compulsion involved in civil disobedience , but it differs from coercion in that it is aimed at securing mutual co-operation and understanding in accordance with a dialectical quest for truth .
28 In tennis he will ask his students to call out their estimate of the height of the ball above the net as it crosses from side to side , or he will ask them to shout ‘ Bounce ’ each time the ball bounces and ‘ Hit ’ each time it is hit , giving Self 2 a chance to show what a fluent player he really is .
29 The story , which traces some of the bad feelings Novell harbours towards Microsoft to the spoiled deal , says Novell got skittish after it shared inside information with Microsoft and then found it was secretly negotiating to take over Fox Software .
30 Fishing under licence was to continue within the original 150-mile zone , but no fishing was to be allowed in the new zone , to be regarded as an area of Anglo-Argentine co-operation , the eastern half of which was to be patrolled by the Falklands and the western half by Argentina since it overlapped with part of its 200-mile territorial waters .
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