Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 It got predictable that we would argue with Shaun .
2 By November 1985 it became apparent that the real antagonists were neither the Westland company nor British Aerospace , but Michael Heseltine , as a vigorous champion of the European link , and Mrs Thatcher .
3 After the meeting of the Cabinet held that same Sunday evening , when it became apparent that agreement could not be reached on the economy package , MacDonald , on his way to the palace , told Sir Ernest Harvey , the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England : ‘ I am off to the Palace to throw in my hand . '
4 In other words , the Conservative party , and its propertied core constituency , became interested in new forms of appeal and organization when it became apparent that the political reliability and social stability of the lower orders could no longer be ensured by traditional methods of social and political control .
5 Then it became apparent that the advertised service to London every 15 minutes had been reduced to a 30-minute service .
6 In addition their captain Brian Smith persisted with his wayward goal-kicking long after it became apparent that he should pass the task to someone else .
7 Gradually , it became apparent that this lady was definitely part of David 's life .
8 When New Zealand Search and Rescue authorities carried out several extensive air searches for survivors , it became apparent that as many as 50 or more Japanese drift-netters were concentrated in a small area of the Tasman Sea , fishing for albacore tuna .
9 This strategy was scrapped when it became apparent that the government needed to take some action before the students revved up again for another outbreak of violence .
10 When it became apparent that he must be dead , Casey gave orders to recover the body for proper burial ; this became another item in the wish-lists exchanged with the Iranians .
11 Their hopes were short-lived however when at a subsequent meeting it became apparent that the study was to concentrate on settlement patterns in the region , ( a well-worn path taken in an attempt to justify existing policies advocating the centralisation of rural development ) , rather than the more fundamental questions of how existing patterns of land ownership influence these settlement patterns .
12 In fact , it became apparent that opportunities to implement this suggestion were extremely limited .
13 In attempting to relate this schema to social work in child care , it became apparent that the secondary level includes a very wide spectrum of client situations and work undertaken .
14 With the discovery of better-preserved material it became apparent that the graptolites consisted of rows of tiny cups which were interconnected by a common canal — they were colonial animals .
15 However , in less formal talks with conductors and lecturers , and in a discussion led by Dr Maria Hari , it became apparent that in fact there are some concessions .
16 As more and more stone-filled gabions were built in to reduce the erosion which the scheme had set in train , it became apparent that Pandora 's box had been opened , and that what might have worked as a piece of traditional river canalization in the cohesive sediments found downstream had proved a recipe for disaster when applied in the unstable gravels of this upland brook .
17 But , when taken in conjunction with procedures governing Urban Programme funding , it became apparent that three divisions of urban local councils , or ‘ designated districts ’ , were to be established .
18 As the first set of declaration reports were produced , it became apparent that development within the zones would not be significantly different from what would have occurred anyway ( Corby District Council , 1981 ; Newcastle upon Tyne , 1981 ; Swansea City Council , 1981 ) : planning controls were often retained along zone boundaries ; Special Industrial Uses , including noxious and dangerous processes , were still subject to control ; and , on occasion , environmental improvements were written into declaration reports .
19 For example , having expanded components 1.0 to 7.0 of the model shown in Fig 12.5 , it became apparent that the main input to sub-system 8.0 ( ie ‘ adjust income/expenditure ’ ) was the detail of the College allocation of the total budget , with secondary inputs of information about the actual costs of providing the appropriate level of education .
20 At first it was felt that the variety of reference systems in use had developed because of inept control mechanisms and general lack of discipline in applying procedures , but as the analysts ' knowledge increased , it became apparent that the references had evolved to suit the needs of users , needs which were considerably different throughout the departments .
21 At this point , it became apparent that the systems being considered had lower priorities than other current developments , and as a result , the proposed pilot studies for DIP systems were discontinued , and the analysts concentrated on the development of the index system only .
22 But as I continued , it became apparent that the course planners were having increasing difficulty in getting each lesson on to one cylinder .
23 As the summer progressed into autumn , it became apparent that the days of strain and worry were far from over .
24 Unable to avoid it , however , he faced O'Rourke in New Orleans where it became apparent that the Irishman had no idea of fighting ; Burke was able to hit him at will .
25 Ridging and patching were the first jobs that I tackled once it became apparent that I was neither going to find another job nor be content to remain a labourer .
26 With the acquisition of the Southern Collection it became apparent that the accommodation allocated to the Theatre Collection was seriously inadequate .
27 As it became apparent that considerable variations in training were to be found , the ( now ) British Library Research and Development Group for Research into Public Libraries felt that more information was needed about current practice , and in September 1982 , British Library Research and Development and The Library Association agreed to liaise on the development of an exploratory survey .
28 Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar .
29 Eventually it became apparent that every vine in every vineyard would have to be grafted on to phylloxera-resistant American rootstock .
30 Glynn 's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar ( I only live in Aberdeen ! ) , modify it and return it within a few working days .
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