Example sentences of "it [adj] [conj] any " in BNC.

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1 Eudoxus initially is shocked by this possibility : ‘ Is it possible that any should so far grow out of frame that they should in so short a space quite forget their country and their own names ? ’ .
2 That this Conference , while recording its desire to see working men in Parliament on the Unionist side , thinks it undesirable that any distinction should be made between them and other members , and therefore expresses the opinion that all Unionist organizations should select and support with all their power the best candidate they can find to represent their constituency , irrespective of his social and financial status .
3 Moreover , Le Pen 's party , despite a professed desire to rejuvenate French politics , has done more to make it absurd than any other , quite apart from the base populist ideas which it propagates .
4 He also made it clear that any thoughts of topping the 221 mark are being put firmly on the back burner , with the fastest 100 , set last year in mid-December , his next target .
5 And it has made it clear that any attempt to organise a system of regional arms control or supervision should exclude Israel .
6 For example , the term ‘ concession ’ , which is used widely in relation to the promotion of desirable benefits , implies a favour to a second-class citizen ; whereas another term , such as ‘ off-peak tariff reduction ’ , makes it clear that any resulting business is a bonus to the provider , as well as a benefit to the recipient .
7 His expression made it clear that any man or boy unlucky enough not to find another situation need not expect any sympathy : his place would have been filled .
8 However , in a letter to the BMC , Longleat Estate have made it clear that any cleaning work necessary to stabilise climbs will be done on the advice of its own specialists , dependent on the interests of tourists and the estate 's employees and not undertaken from a climbing perspective .
9 The Police Federation has made it clear that any proposals to reduce the age of consent would be vigorously resisted .
10 Successive governments , however , have made it clear that any alteration of the state pension ages is unlikely .
11 Brezhnev himself , addressing the Polish party congress in November 1968 , made it clear that any threat to the socialist order in a given country would be considered ‘ not only a problem of the people of the country in question , but a general problem and concern of all the socialist countries ’ .
12 He questioned the whole process of " throwaway " non-binding Senate resolutions , and made it clear that any further resolutions on the Middle East and Jerusalem would be subject to serious examination .
13 It was eager to play down its close links with Israel in order not to alienate potential Arab supporters , and made it clear that any Israeli military involvement in the crisis would cause a radical shift in the already unstable Arab ranks , possibly leading a number of those currently allied to the USA to side with Iraq .
14 Britain after 1945 is full of people who live alone because they like it , or at least because they like it better than any of the available alternatives .
15 Somebody gave him a brush and paints one time and he started in and got it better than any of them , oh my word he did .
16 But if I had to decide I would say my favourite would be ( favourite country ) would be Canada because I have lived there the longest out of all places and so I know it better than any other country .
17 Examining patients with and without uraemia enabled us to look at the gastric mucosal damage over a very wide range ( 43 fold ) of in vivo ammonia production making it unlikely that any association was missed .
18 Reynolds newspaper declared it surprising that any respectable paper should advertise such wares .
19 erm as many people here know and like them I have worked in a voluntary capacity and one way or another in this theatre for many years and we ca n't do without it we do n't want to see it close or any of those drastic things .
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