Example sentences of "to all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We dedicate this cross to be to all a symbol of his suffering and his victory .
2 It was more interesting that doing this stuff to all the cream cakes .
3 For Frederick II at Eger in 1213 ( as had Otto at Neuss ) , repudiated the whole imperial programme and the ambitions of his father , Henry VI , renouncing claims to all the land between Radicofani and Ceprano , the March of Ancona , the duchy of Spoleto , the Matildine lands , the county of Bertinoro , the exarchate of Ravenna , Pentapolis and the Massa Trabaria .
4 This kind of mechanically efficient cantilevered design is more suited to the larger dinosaurs and seems to apply to all the heavyweight bipedal species .
5 There are main clinics attached to all the university hospitals , and the training , both undergraduate and postgraduate , is thorough and comprehensive .
6 There are clinics attached to all the university and large municipal hospitals , but the government has shut down the local clinics because they deny that there is any problem .
7 Hurst cites the case of a slime mould in which , during sex , a gene within a little device called a mitochondrion causes its owner to fuse with mitochondria from the other parent and thus spreads to all the mitochrondria in the offspring .
8 ‘ He went to all the parent craft classes .
9 ‘ I will have access to all the expertise required to solve a problem and provide a swift and cost effective solution . ’
10 The ability to suggest — and then buy — a two-and-three-quarter minute spot at midday on Sunday for the chairperson of a hotel group to give a message to all the hotel staff on every ITV station simultaneously is an important part of a media person 's skills .
11 Rebecque searched the table to find one of the larger scale maps that the Royal Engineers had drawn and distributed to all the army headquarters .
12 He introduced himself to all the furniture , saying how nice it was to meet a particular table , or how nice the covering was on a chair .
13 Where the kids shot the skyrocket through the fan-light and set fire to all the furniture ?
14 The odd thing about this new lava plug is that it went straight up , like a piston in a cylinder , wearing on top a thick cap of mud and clay , which had originally been deposited in a crater lake and had formed the ground surface prior to all the upheaval .
15 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
16 In due course they were fitted to all the rest of the fleet and gave quite a distinctive appearance to South Metropolitan cars .
17 " And she has good reason to say so when she looks at what has happened to all the rest of them . "
18 Yet this step in communication is the key to all the rest .
19 The whole prison was in a confusion of sound , with the echo of slamming doors added to all the rest of the row .
20 The second exception is where the statute creates a public right … and a particular member of the public suffers … particular , direct and substantial damage other and different from that which was common to all the rest of the public .
21 Naturally , in view of the political interest of Lord Milton and the Duke of Argyll , John Main was not left to languish in the state of promoted unemployment to which Colonel Haldane 's enmity had consigned him , but although they were able to secure a port appointment for Main which brought him a regular salary , it was at Bo'ness , on the Lothian shore of the river Forth and directly under they eye of Haldane 's ally , Collector Middleton , who sent the unfortunate Main ‘ on every drudgery piece of business to different places to put him to all the expence & trouble the Collector can devise ’ .
22 The establishment of a system of elementary education available to all the country 's children was one of the great achievements of late Victorian Britain ..
23 Rosenstein used to go to all the country villages before me doing fillings and extractions for half-price . ’
24 The Bank of Thailand issued a circular to all the country 's banks on Feb. 27 ordering them to give financial information about 22 ex-ministers to the AVC .
25 The environmental organization had written to all the country 's general practitioners in January offering a health education poster and booklet .
26 The reports , ordered by President Boris Yeltsin , are being distributed to all the country 's regional administrations .
27 I would write to all the publishing houses that regularly produced art books and offer my services to them .
28 However , industrial action was called off on Sept. 3 , as reportedly the government had acceded to all the Federation 's demands and revoked criminal charges against strikers .
29 This brief report combines three elements , common to all the audit reports of nationalized industries :
30 That spool has a limited but steady sale to academics — a tribute to all the knowledge you had packed away .
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