Example sentences of "to this [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , do you listen to this every day
2 You must get back to this every time .
3 To this a variety of solutions were given at different times .
4 Examined in detail ( Fig. 5.7 ) this simple model repeats the problems of fitting the city wards identified by both the Shotgun and the Focused models , but adds to this a tendency towards relative over-prediction in the rural wards to the north and east of the area .
5 Quigley ( 1979 ) adds to this a tendency to interpret noun phrases as connecting to the nearest verb phrase , producing misinterpretation and limiting the range of written sentences .
6 To establish the total proportion who would break the law , we must add to this a factor which reminds us how many rich people were in the sample ( 767/1326 , or 0.578 ) times their increased propensity to break the law ( +0.144 ) .
7 The Japanese invaders added to this a ban on the practice of all martial arts , in an attempt to suppress the Korean nationalist spirit .
8 Some people were surprised , and I remember we played up to this a bit .
9 Add to this a chair lift to the top of the Alpine Slide and you have a day out for all the family .
10 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
11 Add to this a spate of attacks in Hampshire and police are very concerned .
12 One must add to this the spread and easier availability of pornography , television which not only normalises such changes , but on occasion appears to be in support of them , and the lack of a firm moral grounding in sex education .
13 Add to this the possibility that by eating organic produce we might be filling the cornfields with poppies once again and I suspect that mere flavour often takes a back seat .
14 If we now add to this the possibility that those units or sectors experiencing a fall in supply switch to borrowing from banks , the money supply will increase .
15 Add to this the complexity of the political system , with its perversities and special interests , and the potential power of economic logic is reduced to a low order .
16 Add to this the imperfection of scientific knowledge , and it would then take a low place in the stratification of priorities .
17 Add to this the price of rinse aid ( between £1.29 and £3.50 for 500 ml ) and salt ( about £1.40 for 3 kg of supermarket own brand ) , and a litre of washing-up liquid seems a bargain .
18 To this the Riders have no counterpart , or almost none .
19 In answer to this the respondents who were in favour of this clause and its enforcement said that they now deemed that the sale agreements were null and void and they began to sell another brand of petrol at both garages .
20 Add to this the limitations which wetlands impose on farming — short grazing seasons , foot-rot in sheep , suppression of root growth , in the damp soil , and the hazards of high water for cereal crops , not to mention the terror of a flood — and it is enough to make one want to rush out and drain all remaining wetlands on sight .
21 Add to this the duties and taxes on Guinness Group products sold in Ireland each year ( currently running at around IR£400 million ) and you get some idea of what the grand total must to be .
22 Add to this the pessimism and fear of becoming old , and the result is too often that many older people can become non-participating social individuals , who feel increasingly isolated and cut off from all that is happening around them .
23 Add to this the change in orientation of the legs in many reptiles , which can be used in an efficient running action , unlike the ungainly waddling of the amphibians and it will be apparent why the reptiles were better adapted to terrestrial life than the amphibians , and why they largely displaced them .
24 Is that the best you can do , after you 've waited so long ? " — and sometimes to this the voice would add irritatingly — " and after saying No to that darling actor ? "
25 To this the Queen returned a gracious reply which while maintaining the full impartiality of the Crown encouraged me to continue to do my best to serve her as her First Minister .
26 Add to this the elevators and hidden traps for the unwary , and it all makes an excellent challenge .
27 Add to this the development in artificial lighting where the emphasis tends to be on cost saving and it is not surprising to find that this preference has more to do with the building professional 's training than satisfying the needs of the occupants .
28 To this the West Germans and others responded that Poland should be left to resolve its own internal difficulties .
29 Add to this the variety of the ‘ sporting ’ events and you 've got double-top value for money .
30 Add to this the threat from Europe of the need to be a member of an authorised body to provide tax advice and carry out tax work ( central to the survival of the small practice ) , and the fact that the Institute of Chartered Accountants does not have the qualifications to become such a body ( less than 15% of members are actively involved in tax matters ) , and we have potentially the demise of the small firm .
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