Example sentences of "to be the party " in BNC.

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1 Not long afterwards the Liberal Party invited this undergraduate in his second year to be the party 's candidate for the county of Cambridgeshire in the next election .
2 The party now accepts Britain 's membership of the European Community and in the 1989 Euro-elections claimed to be the party of ‘ good Europeans ’ .
3 This is to be the party 's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year .
4 This is to be the party 's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year .
5 It rose to its highest point of 5.4 per cent in 1984 , falling back again to 4.7 per cent in 1988 , and with a threat of a further decline to the lowest point since the Second World War of 4.4 per cent in 1989 — despite all the Conservative Party 's claims to be the party that looks after the defence of the realm .
6 Labour yesterday put on the biggest gathering of the glitterati in the election campaign so far to underline its claim to be the party most famous people will vote for .
7 Only Conservatives can truly claim to be the party of opportunity ; choice ; ownership and responsibility .
8 We must demolish their fraudulent claims to be the party of freedom and opportunity .
9 While the Conservative Party claims to be the party of national consensus , the common sense party , it is both the architect of common sense values and the prisoner of them .
10 The riots were unquestionably a blow to the government 's law and order policies and to the Conservative 's claim to be the party of law and order .
11 At the general election we shall be justified in saying that the Conservative party can not again claim to be the party of law and order .
12 Lukanov was apparently unhappy at what he considered to be the party 's failure to respond appropriately to the coup attempt in the Soviet Union .
13 ‘ And we 're supposed to be the Party of the family , ’ said Grunte , piously .
14 As the Whigs gradually began to retreat from their erstwhile espousal of populist causes , the Tories increasingly appeared to be the party with more to offer ordinary people .
15 But it was United who turned out to be the party poopers .
16 And as crime figures soar , Labour has for months poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order .
17 Mr Smith mocked the Tories ' claim to be the party of low taxation and said people would be ‘ shocked beyond belief ’ at the cynicism of the Government , in extending the scope of VAT and raising national insurance contributions .
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