Example sentences of "to be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Today , being an active member of a political party seems to be neither a qualification nor a disqualification for appointment .
2 This gene seems to be neither an oncogene nor tumour supressor gene , but could be responsible for an increase in genetic instability by way of multiple replication errors within the genome .
3 The explanation , as I shall argue , is likely to be broadly the same for complicated things everywhere in the universe ; the same for us , for chimpanzees , worms , oak trees and monsters from outer space .
4 There used to be nearly every
5 It turned out to be nearly the opposite ( laughs ) .
6 This error proved to be nearly the last straw needed to break his credit , since he had raised every cent he could in order to invest in land for building .
7 A particular , one normally assumes , can change its place without ceasing to be numerically the same particular .
8 In short , nothing that is in the process of development or change , strictly speaking , can be claimed to be numerically the same as long as this process lasts , for existents are individuated only by their full life-cycles .
9 It appears to be increasingly the case that there are two major traditions of identity perception among protestant loyalists .
10 In a market where speed is everything , as seems to be increasingly the case these days , ultimate speed brings mucho kudos .
11 Johnny 's double standards , and his entrenched belief in the superiority of the male , had led her into an angry tirade of defence designed only to prove that she was exactly the cheap little tart that he so obviously thought her.Their relationship seemed to be increasingly an exercise in one-upmanship : my time 's better than yours ; so there !
12 But if you have the luck to come of country stock then you should never sever your roots , no matter how great the temptation to ‘ improve ’ yourself , or to inhabit more glorious scenery , or to be nearer a railway station .
13 In general , the Universe seems to be nearer a great thought than a great machine .
14 Older people tend to be nearer the upper limit of any range than do younger people , but some combination of the factors mentioned can help individuals approach the lower limits .
15 But if one looks for Britain 's centre of gravity , it is found to be nearer the first in each pair of choices above .
16 Fear may be equally distributed between both sexes , but guilt is usually nearer the surface in women , while anger is more likely to be nearer the surface in men .
17 Mike reckons that it makes sense to be nearer the only regular snow skiing in the British Isles .
18 ‘ I saw it as an exciting challenge and a chance to be nearer the business .
19 We would therefore expect the following year(s) to be nearer the average .
20 So-called , because , except for Pretoria , no one in the world recognises the sovereignty of the Transkei , which is otherwise perceived to be simply a geographical region in the south-eastern corner of South Africa .
21 However , there is a tendency for the content of the packages to be simply a transfer of printed teaching matter to the computer medium , without capitalizing on the extra advantages of the medium , for example , making full use of its interactive teaching possibilities .
22 Gandhi claims to be simply a seeker after Truth , ceaselessly searching for it , occasionally having glimpses of it , yet not finding it .
23 As de Lattre presented his case , his plan to construct 1200 bunkers of the Siegfried Line-type ( one wonders why its French counterpart was not mentioned instead ) was to provide against future Chinese attacks but , on the assumption that the Chinese might be deterred , French success seemed to be simply a matter of US munitions and confidence and , although it might have been misleading as a performance indicator , at the end of his visit to the Pentagon de Lattre was rewarded with Defense Secretary Lovett 's assertion that General de Lattre was regarded as a comrade in arms and that the US would do everything they could for him that was within their capabilities .
24 The mechanism is then considered to be simply a black box function generator .
25 That there is no popular opposition is testimony not only to how successful they have been , but also to the fact that there appears to be simply no desirable alternative : the British just do not like their politicians enough to want them made head of state .
26 My argument for functionalism is therefore critically dependent on whether or not I can convince you that progress in one of these areas — cognitive neuropsychology — is unlikely to be simply an illusion .
27 In other words , the focus of Gironella 's attention is neither historically nor iconographically arbitrary , although in some ways his reworkings of the paintings of others could be seen to be simply an extension of a fairly conventional activity .
28 But if this new development were to be simply an aid to better assignments and projects then it would not be remarkable , because library instruction which is project-related and project-inspired , is not unusual , though it is less common than the separate library lesson .
29 If you believe yourself to be simply an animal without an immortal soul but you also believe that you are capable of making moral judgements , you will need to ask yourself whether cats and mice and birds and insects are also capable of making moral judgements .
30 As for truth , Epicurus , rather like Hobbes centuries later , took sense-perception to be simply the effect of objects on our material souls .
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