Example sentences of "to it [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's examination advisers have already been told to see to it that marking is stricter next year .
2 He had already seen to it that fodder had been stored in stone-built barns situated at strategic points on lower pastures .
3 ‘ If there are riot police , ’ he says , ‘ then vigilantes will appear , because there will always be somebody to see to it that crime is never given a free rein . ’
4 He saw himself as a wise and benign deity , presiding over his kingdom and seeing to it that evil did not always prevail ; a hollow symbolism of course and anyway he rather liked hemp agrimony and ground ivy .
5 When you have listened to it many times as we had , you get to recognise the unique sound , it is absolutely unmistakable .
6 This is so ingrained and so influential , I shall have occasion to come back to it many times .
7 The mother wasp , therefore , does not merely dig a burrow , and later leave it never to return : she departs from and comes back to it many times .
8 Stan Johnston it 's like a disease … they look forward to it all year
9 ‘ I know I ca n't go on listening to it all day , but find it one more time . ’
10 Alternatively , the vendor may require the purchaser to assign to it all rights against third parties but the purchaser will wish to restrict the vendor 's ability to commence proceeding against customers as this may affect the goodwill of the business ; ( h ) to limit some of the warranties to the best of the vendor 's knowledge , information and belief .
11 It seems flimsy and awkward compared with the good-old lever , and I did n't get used to it all week .
12 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
13 It may be possible to delete this provision if the Purchaser can be satisfied that it has had all the Business 's contracts disclosed to it one way or another .
14 Maybe I 'll go back to it one day . ’
15 Sairellen Thackray had always said she had the makings of it , would come to it one day .
16 She 's too stuck up to look for it in the back of a cab just yet , but it 'll come to it one day when she gets a few more years on her , even the milkman wo n't be safe and she 'll be grateful .
17 Well er , I 'll see to it one day .
18 Better arrange for the coal lorr lorry to back in to it one day .
19 ‘ One of the Hell Fire Club members , Richard Whaley , accidentally set fire to it one night .
20 And maybe if you feel up to it one evening this week you could go round and give it a dig up .
21 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
22 This displacement imparts to law a certain universality which gives to it symbolic efficacy in removing , or at least concealing , its arbitrariness .
23 He describes how , by 1837 , the game had evolved into a highly complicated sport , containing all the ‘ typical characteristics of a genuinely national art form , … profoundly popular in origin , yet attracting to it disinterested elements of the leisured and educated classes ’ .
24 And he was looking forward again : " I do n't feel I 've ever got to the point I aim at and I do n't think I ever will , but I would like to feel that I was getting a little nearer to it each time . "
25 ‘ Right , I 'll see to it first thing . ’
26 I 'll try and get round to it first thing in the morning .
27 HERMS captures this associated data and adds to it spatial data generated in the CAD graphics data base .
28 But people will be flocking to it this weekend .
29 Dealers who exhibit generally agree that the fair is successful commercially , has improved its standard in recent years , and look to it this year to test the general market for antiques and collectibles .
30 Is the list going to have a new name from Northern Ireland added to it this season ?
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