Example sentences of "to the three [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Councillor , his first public statement was to support all those gimmicks and to say that he wanted an end to the three tier system in , turned his back on all our middle schools .
2 Teachers are relieved that the Secretary of State ( albeit belatedly ) decided to restrict compulsory testing at age 10–11 to the three core subjects .
3 Lord Joseph made two unsuccessful attempts to limit the national curriculum to a purely advisory role and to restrict its operation to the three core subjects .
4 During the school year 1990–1 , further developments are to take place : pupils at a new Key Stage ( 2 ) are to be introduced to the three core subjects ; a new subject ( design and technology ) is to be introduced to pupils in the first three key stages ; and for the first time , pupils ( at Key Stage 1 ) are to face assessment .
5 The curvature of space-time caused by the matter in the universe can then lead to the three space directions and the imaginary time direction meeting up around the back .
6 Beginning on June 13 the estimated 200,000 troops and 250,000 militiamen belonging to the three guerrilla factions — of which the Khmers Rouges was the largest — and the Vietnamese-backed Phnom Pehn government were due to begin assembling at 95 UN-controlled regroupment areas .
7 He drew attention to the three spelling mistakes Leonard manages to include in so short a piece , marked by ( ! ) , and at the points we enumerate offers the following marginal comments : 1 . )
8 He also announced leadership changes to the three state organizations commanding troops .
9 This pole has been treated against rot ( previous poles had to have bits chopped of the bottom periodically ) so there is no reason now to stick to the three year cycle .
10 Most of the farm weights and unofficial weights are of the crude variety ( compared to the loom weights ) but when you add their existence to the three bronze coin weights that also came from the same field something of a picture starts to build up .
11 An unused kitchen located on the first floor of this block , provided the necessary space for a new Staff Room , Kitchenette and Toilets , with supplementary Staff Toilets , Lockers and Resources Area being located in the link to the three storey block .
12 After Bunyan , he is not a pioneer of operatic form until we come to the three Church Parables .
13 We are back to the three act drama with which we began .
14 The planning applications were initially made to the three district councils directly affected .
15 On this particular plane , the distances are all calculated with reference to the three anchor biomorphs .
16 It is done by the distances on the page , more precisely the nearnesses , from the point in question to the three anchor biomorphs .
17 But this account gives altogether too much prominence to the three anchor biomorphs .
18 The ceiling sloped down tightly to the floor , making dark shadowy edges which were well nigh impossible to clean , and three odd narrow passages ran to the three dormer windows , which cast odd blocks of light into the main spaces of the room .
19 Lending to the discount houses at MLR was never for periods longer than seven days but that rate was tied to the three month Treasury bill rate .
20 A. C. Ingram became Assistant Secretary to the three tramway companies in 1922 .
21 Once you have done that , simply cut the circuit cable , prepare the cores , and connect them to the three box terminals .
22 Okay we a major cause of some five hundred thousand pounds and we give addition to the three point six five one million which has been identified in this amendment .
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