Example sentences of "to no more than " in BNC.

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1 The Community wants Japan to agree to limit its car sales to no more than 16–17% of the market by 1998 .
2 Life appeared to continue largely as normal in the Libyan capital , and the warning seemed to amount to no more than the routine diplomatic tit-for-tat when countries expel each other 's envoys .
3 abolished the power of local councils to shift the burden of taxation on to local business , for the first time limiting the overall rise in business rates to no more than the rate of inflation ;
4 We will ensure that the total number of warheads on the four-boat Trident system is limited to no more than that currently deployed on the Polaris system , and our Defence Review will consider whether we can reduce this further without threatening security .
5 Visibility had been reduced to no more than a few yards .
6 Along with the mingling of the genres go the other stylistic features of a rather modish postmodernism : pastiche ; montage ; paraphrase ; parody ; allusion ; quotation ; often adding up to no more than a cultivated divertissement .
7 It would amount to no more than the patient being dragged around with maximum support , using his unaffected side to try to keep up , and holding on to his helpers for dear life .
8 According to Ekonomska politika ( 11 March 1985 ) , the creation of the self-management communities of interest has often amounted to no more than the conversion of a previous government bureau into a new organization .
9 The most systematic study of legacies sub modo , while drawing attention to the Scaevolan cases in which trusts are construed , points out that this amounted to no more than an isolated and sporadic tendency .
10 If I run after the goals which I see everyone around me running after , I reduce them to no more than means to the well-being of feeling at one with the many .
11 The baselines may amount to no more than the total number of times each behaviour is noticed in a one hour session every day for a week .
12 Of course , the NME has consistently only really been as good as the contemporary music , film etc it celebrates and criticises , and remains a decent barometer , despite the sporadically desperate-seeming attempts to apply bellows to no more than a small flame .
13 Perhaps , in some unimaginably distant region , the cosmos simply melted away into Chaos without sane dimensions — so that all the immensity of physical reality , all the billions of light years of stars and galaxies without number , amounted to no more than a tiny archipelago within a dire and senseless ocean of absurdity .
14 Another superb serve led to no more than a defensive return from Sampras and Forget was so confident that the American would not be able to return his first volley that he only just stopped himself from throwing his racket into the air as he started to dance for joy along with the crowd .
15 The mothers and children were out of sight now , reduced to no more than faint yelps from among the council houses built on rising ground above the green , and there was no-one else about , and would not be , until the men began to come home at dusk .
16 At the first pruning , take each stem down to a suitable bud , so that ideally it is reduced to no more than 3–4 inches ( 8–10 cm ) in length .
17 First year pruning will take each stem of a bush rose down to no more than 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) , cutting where possible to suitable outward-pointing buds .
18 He would prefer to see Africa 's debt obligation reduced to no more than the $10 billion it is managing to pay each year .
19 The comment that all of this prompts is first , that it amounts to no more than the well-understood case for good personnel management in conventionally organised manufacturing or service industry .
20 It is not obvious , although it may be true , that the ideas that a causal circumstance made its effect happen , and explained it , and that the effect depended on the circumstance , somehow come to no more than these independent conditional claims .
21 Since considerations of probability are to the fore in one part of actual scientific practice bearing on causation , and there is little attempt to go beyond them , and there is to hand the Probability Calculus , we are invited to take it that causation can come to no more than probability .
22 There we said that the foundationalist 's beliefs about his sensory states , to be infallible , would have to have vanishingly small content ; in fact , to amount to no more than an incomprehensible gesture .
23 It may be argued that these proposals amount to no more than state capitalism .
24 In Stein 's day the jade searchers of Chinese Turkestan had already taken to a kind of superficial mining , even if this amounted to no more than burrowing through overlying deposits to search the cobble bed down to depths of up to some twenty feet .
25 In any event the handing of the letters to the son could amount to no more than using him as a messenger .
26 170 it was held that the word ‘ convicted ’ in sections 9 and 12 of the Coinage Offences Act 1861 ( 24 & 25 Vict. c. 99 ) referred to no more than a finding of guilt .
27 The subsection creates an obligation to consult the judiciary , not to be governed by their opinion , which amounts to no more than advice .
28 He whispered something but so close to my ear the sound was distorted and I said , suppressing my voice to no more than a breath because it can be so harsh , ‘ Say it again .
29 The farmer was a remote and authoritarian figure and personal contact was often limited to no more than the weekly payment of wages .
30 His connection with Mozart , which he seems to have exaggerated in later life , may have amounted to no more than that they were both Freemasons and involved with Schikaneder 's theatre company and that he played the role of a slave in The Magic Flute .
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