Example sentences of "to [det] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On this question of priorities here I understand that if we go along with local presses , to the housing corporation that this is a priority and then they , they can see to that make the money available when can we go along again with another priorities ?
2 So if you 're going to that have a clear picture in your own mind as to what you want .
3 As a result , as Hobsbawm points out , Marx seems to half suggest the existence of yet another mode of production — the Slavonic .
4 The exceptions to this include the abdominals , the calves and the forearms .
5 And I think he 's going to work out the other two and then go on to this forget the name of it at the moment , this bank
6 So they 'll move from one window to another make a decision on that information in the other window and come back to what they were doing before .
7 There they were welcomed by the Rev W B Sleight who , after prayers , in his capacity as chairman of the steering committee explained to all present the matters agreed by the committee and the detailed provisions of the proposed constitution .
8 Thanks to all present the Sue Ryder Home received a good donation .
9 Consider the following simple model : Clones are assumed to be independently and randomly distributed along the genome , and to all have the same length , 1 , ( in suitable units ) .
10 ( 4 ) Where the seller expressly reserves the right of resale in case the buyer should make default , and on the buyer making default , re-sells the goods , the original contract of sale is rescinded , but without prejudice to any claim the seller may have for damages . ’
11 In bright red and gold livery , the replica will make a charming addition to any collectionand a super gift for adults and children alike .
12 But it was Indica which seemed to most disturb the paper .
13 Long necks and long legs enable the birds to both keep a wary eye over the landscape and to make a speedy departure should they be threatened .
14 Action is needed now , to both tackle the backlog and deter more bogus applications coming in .
15 This would explain why children of the same genetics , age and sex , living in the same house are more likely to both contract the illness than any of the other combinations studied .
16 The fringes are continuations of the warp strands , and are secured at the top and bottom of the rug to both hold the weft strands in place and add the final decorative touch to the rug .
17 The event provided an excellent opportunity to both heighten the profile of the Enterprise Centre and to show appreciation to all employers , staff and students who had supported the work of the department during the past year .
18 Well I suppose it has in a sense , yes , it 's enabled us to both confront the fact that that I 'm not all knowing and that I 'm not all powerful , which I mean was because my children , as I say , are still quite young , which is something new for them , I suppose , as well as something new for me .
19 In the 1960s Kenyatta manipulated sales of formerly white-owned land and businesses in such a way as to create a new class of Kenyan capitalists to replace the old white capitalists , in a no-nonsense determination to both preserve the private sector and to transfer its ownership into African hands .
20 In theory , at least , this will relieve the tremendous burden that is placed on the micro to both run the desktop publishing program and control the printer .
21 This is achieved by the Digital Servo Interface which , for elegance and simplicity , uses a single chip , preprogrammed i.c. ( see Fig 3 ) to both generate the variable pulse width signals for the servos and decode commands from the host computer .
22 Although his commitments and the size of his salary only allow him to pay the £15 monthly premium rather than a higher amount , he regards DOUBLE PAYMENT as a very low-cost way to both save the future and guarantee a large cash sum for his family if they have to claim .
23 It has become an art to both beat the target projections and the cuts without offending important political constituencies .
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