Example sentences of "to [pers pn] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It could either provide that all married women should hold their property as their separate property — thus giving to all married women the right to dispose of their property and to make contracts binding it which formerly could only be given to them by a will or a settlement ; or it could adopt the more straightforward course of making the capacity of a married woman to own property , make contracts , and incur liability for torts the same as that of a man .
2 At one stage the station , not far from the foreign legations , was connected to them by a tram line .
3 There was a museum on the southern shore , and the coast was lined by terraces of comfortable villas ; a band-stand occupied a prominent place on a new promenade , and at dusk a large crowd thronged round to listen to the music ministered to them by a company of musicians , what some call in Scotland a ‘ brass band . ’
4 A couple had more facts of life shown to them by a taxi-driver .
5 Less consciously , their desire was for a baby to be given to them by a symbolic mother ( the female doctor ) .
6 Only one in ten said that it had been suggested to them by a salesman , agent or someone at the shop ; about three-quarters said instead that they personally had thought of it , and most of the rest that it had been suggested by their wife or husband .
7 There was no sign of Madra , Riven noticed with a pang , and the beer was brought up to them by a serving maid he did not know .
8 Two loyal members of the Hunt , a hawk-faced lady and a meeker male partner , his coat a warm flame in the dark crevice where they sat , took their tickets , and money from Dada , and handed programmes , a Hunt button engraved on their backs and a tiny pencil attached to them by a red string .
9 I want to ensure that the genuine claims of those who are in need are dealt with properly , promptly and accurately , I do not want campaigns to be organised on the basis that people sign a piece of paper that has been delivered to them by a welfare rights organisation .
10 This is a totalizing view of society , and implies a certain anti-pluralism : freedom of belief and action within certain parameters , which are to be decided either by those who appear righteous in the sight of God or by those who , at least , conform in their lawmaking to the advice given to them by the righteous .
11 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
12 Both players responded alertly to the capricious nature of the Wilfred Josephs Sonata No3 , a work dedicated to them by the composer , displaying no lack of brilliance to meet its formidable technical demands .
13 Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , and Lord Lane , Lord Chief Justice , two of the four senior judges with a veto , criticised the role given to them by the bill .
14 Dependent on relief helicoptered to them by the American armed forces , the mountain refugees are still losing their young and their old to malnutrition , cold and disease .
15 Where the defence arises our courts will act upon the so-called ‘ M'Naghten ’ rules , propounded by the judges in response to questions addressed to them by the House of Lords .
16 In this chapter we shall be looking at how this particular group of people might view and understand what is being offered to them by the church at the time of a major bereavement .
17 Despite recognising the power of the advertising world , Jo does feel that there is some possibility for girls to pick and choose between what is offered to them by the media , and how they want to look themselves .
18 Thereafter controversy over the issue subsided until June 1967 , when eviction proceedings were taken against eleven families who had refused accommodation offered to them by the rural district council because it was at some distance from the city .
19 The Smiths began to relish the success given to them by the lyrically obscure ‘ This Charming Man ’ .
20 These pleats give the lava a ropy appearance , and the flows are called by a name given to them by the Polynesian islanders — pahoehoe flows .
21 Although , in principle , the communities of interest are allowed to raise in ‘ contributions ’ only the amounts agreed by the delegates from their member ‘ organizations or associated labour ’ , in practice , such organizations have little option but to agree with proposals presented to them by the community managers .
22 With its incredible wealth — about £6 million estimated annual income has been suggested — and ownership of about nine thousand manors came inevitable corruption as the Templars took advantage of the privileges granted to them by the Pope .
23 Until the 1930s , for example , it was a routine practice of the London police to record thefts reported to them by the public as ‘ lost property ’ .
24 Volunteers kept diaries , answered regular questionnaires , and generally responded to points put to them by the directors of the study , Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge .
25 Their convictions are sometimes the result of their intimate knowledge of the degenerating influences of Native amusements , but often have their source in a narrow conception of recreation imported to them by the missionaries . '
26 St Andrews caddies are reputedly such notorious drinkers that the Rules and Advice for Caddies , a five-page document issued to them by the Links Trust , begins with a stark injunction : ‘ Caddies must be sober …
27 Noble argues that the technical performance of the two systems in their development phase was similar but that the NC system was adopted in preference to the record-playback system because managements preferred the tighter control given to them by the NC system ( Noble 1977 ) .
28 Doubts have already been raised about the cost of the proposals , about possible legal difficulties and about shareholders ' willingness to play the role assigned to them by the APB .
29 They said that they were members of the MRF and that the Thompson had been issued to them by the RUC 's own Special Branch at Castlereagh , Belfast .
30 They now carry deeper theological meanings , which were probably given to them by the Church in the period of the oral tradition .
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