Example sentences of "to [pers pn] and the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
2 They had an uneventful journey across the desert to the rendezvous , although the territory was unfamiliar to them and the maps of the area showed little detail .
3 White says that there are several Ethiopian graduate students working for higher degrees ; they will not now be able to work with Ethiopian material , he says , and this will be detrimental to them and the development of Ethiopian palaeontology .
4 White says that there are several Ethiopian graduate students working for higher degrees ; they will not now be able to work with Ethiopian material , he says , and this will be detrimental to them and the development of Ethiopian palaeontology .
5 Choices of language , decisions regarding objectives , content , the priority accorded to them and the criteria for determining them all have to be made , renewed and periodically revised .
6 Interesting as Luxemburg 's ideas are , they need not detain us here seeing that what I am concerned with is Bukharin 's response to them and the results of that response .
7 ‘ I hope you have all been practising during the holiday , ’ said Miss Hardbroom , as the girls all lined up with their brooms hovering next to them and the cats perched on the back — that is to say , most of the cats were perched on the back .
8 The crowd are climbing on each other 's shoulders to get close to them and the hippychicks are dancing acid-trip hand jives in pairs .
9 One reason may be they way the information is presented to them and the way the offer is made .
10 The browns had a grey tinge to them and the richness of the burr did not seem to properly come out .
11 These fumble about in the sand or mud , particles adhere to them and the sea cucumber slowly curls them back into its mouth to suck them clean with its fleshy lips .
12 It seems natural to assert that the extent to which managers deviate from owners ' interests will depend upon the degree of scope available to them and the degree to which they are constrained .
13 In 1314 the northern clergy were asked by the king for an ‘ aid ’ for his projected campaign against the Scots , a request repeated to them and the southern clergy in 1316 .
14 Whichever happens to your child , you are very important to them and the Department of Social Work needs to keep in close touch with you at all times to try to work out what is best for your child .
15 Will he warn the British people of the damage that could be done to them and the danger to their way of life and democracy ?
16 Knowing more about factors and behaviour patterns which are likely to improve their chances of gaining sponsorship would be invaluable to them and the communities which they serve .
17 Members of Parliament are being asked about such matters as their degree of satisfaction with the quantity and quality of financial information available to them and the extent to which they feel that MPs can and should be closely involved in scrutinising the management of government , together with their ‘ unstructured ’ personal response to the problem of the control of the public administration by the House of Commons .
18 The Parquet , you see , is something new to them and the police they view with derision . ’
19 Many of your listeners will know the Malvern Hills , and had resort to them And the fact that they can come and enjoy them today is through the dedication of board members over a hundred and ten years . ’
20 Unbeknown to them and the Fuehrer himself , surveillance staff at Bletchley Park have just cracked all their codes and are intercepting information that 'll help lead the Allies to victory .
21 Oh I 'm sure it would mean an awful lot to them and the fact that you 're so successful coming out of Ireland would mean a lot to them as well you know and er er it 's nice to be able to er you know to do that for them if they 've been over here living for you know some of them have never been back maybe and some of them have never seen Ireland because maybe their their parents or their grandparents came from there .
22 If I meet my young son from school , laughing with his friends and waving to me and the dog , who wags its tail and barks in return , should I be supposed not to know what I am talking about if I pronounce them both to be conscious ?
23 He 's a gud frend to me and the uther yung fellers .
24 ‘ What would happen to me and the young ones , then ? ’
25 As I sat there I recalled the words the Doctor had just spoken to me and the tears came back .
26 It made sense to me and the client to have women selling it .
27 ‘ It will be very special to me and the rest of the lads , ’ he said .
28 Erm I , I er much of the compliment that you paid t to me and the department in terms of the efficiency that we 've , which we 're dealing with the correspondence , I , I am conscious of the fact that in something of this nature those er members that you mentioned , some of them are , are here this morning erm are , are not er s receiving er a regular erm series of er erm letters or , or pieces of information from the department and it 's very much an ad hoc situation erm and at the moment as far as is concerned , we are waiting for the the completion of some of the reporting before we erm er submerge them with er a , a , a , a lot of paper , but if there are any particular issues that erm any of those members or indeed any other members erm particularly wants to pursue , er th th the position is as it is on , on any matter , please do get in touch .
29 ‘ Derry City and Roy Coyle have been very fair to me and the knee is no problem now . ’
30 if he permitted African businessmen to grow [ they ] will grow to the extent of becoming a rival power to his and the party 's prestige , and he would do anything to stop it .
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