Example sentences of "to he in the " in BNC.

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1 Eluard 's soaring ‘ lyricism ’ helped to perpetuate a tyranny , and is the kind of thing which led Kundera to employ the title The Lyric Age for the work which first came to him in the mid-Fifties , and which his publishers prevailed on him to retitle Life is elsewhere when it was completed in 1969 .
2 ODDLY enough , although he was for almost 50 years a pillar of the British dance band scene , by his own account Joe Crossman 's only popular acclaim was given to him in the United States for his beautiful alto saxophone solo on Stanley Black 's mid-Forties recording of Django Reinhardt 's ballad ‘ Nuages ’ .
3 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
4 Ramsey was very rude to him in the debate .
5 ‘ I was talking to him in the post office . ’
6 Carl from upstairs got arrested too , and he said that Ibrahim was screaming all night in the room next to him in the prison , and when they opened the door in the morning , he 'd scratched all the skin off of his face .
7 What decisions , made arbitrarily and in anger , would be handed down to him in the morning ?
8 His illness would stand to him in the other place too .
9 His Lordship could not say the Home Secretary 's decision was not one which was fully open to him in the exercise of his judgment .
10 Mr Arrica rubbishes this view because he comprehends the essential decency of all things English , a truth revealed to him in the form of a Burberry raincoat bought from George Best 's Manchester boutique circa 1965 .
11 We order you to cause the said oaks to be delivered to him in the place which is most suitable for transporting them , and to assist him to find men to cut them down and carry them , at our expense .
12 I was the one who would help him back to bed , I was the one who would read lines to him in the morning before he went on the set . ’
13 Those interested in seeing more of the sculptor 's work can visit a museum to him in the village of Sacre Monte , just north of Varese , where he died in 1950 .
14 I only came across the 1936 front page because it was hanging framed on the right-hand wall of old Pierre Gemayel 's office when I went to talk to him in the summer of 1982 in east Beirut .
15 He accepted it when it was explained to him in the right way .
16 George , who was eight years old when Coleridge was born , became almost a second father to him in the difficult years ahead , and was , Coleridge wrote , ‘ every way nearer to Perfection than any man I ever yet knew — indeed , he is worth the whole family in a Lump . ’
17 He is the chief executive and administrative officer of the local authority , and it is to him in the end that the council must turn to see that the decisions of the council are executed .
18 We need biblical ways of practising the presence of God and to listen to him in the power of his Spirit .
19 None the less , it is broadly speaking true that the Church had exalted the monarch in the tenth century , and abased him in the twelfth ; that the Church had taught obedience to him in the tenth century when ancient rights of resistance to a king who broke his subjects ' rights and liberties still flourished ; and that in the twelfth century Church and people exchanged ideas about the bases for the right of resistance .
20 Harris research director Robert Waller may not care to be reminded of a quote attributed to him in The Independent on Sunday on March 8 at the start of the campaign : ‘ Oh yes , it 's exciting .
21 Against such examples of blatant petty mindedness must be set the tone of sympathetic understanding adopted by Lord Gorell and those closest to him in the RCM. the letter he sent out to regional chairmen and secretaries in December 1942 , is a fair indication of his philosophy :
22 ‘ Do n't think you have to be extra nice to him in the courtship period — it will be very hard to back-track later on .
23 It seems to be established , and rightly so , that the criterion is not geographical — privilege does not attach to letters sent by constituents to a member , even though they are posted to him in the post office in the Lobby of the House of Commons ( Rivlin v Bilainkin [ 1953 ] 1 QB 485 ) .
24 When Stephen returned the following day , the news was broken to him in the stable block by the groom who took his horse .
25 Only a day or two after The Graduate opened , someone came up to him in the street and said , ‘ You know something ?
26 He met Fanny Blandy , who is said to have been the only person to understand what he was talking about , and she used flags to signal to him in the harbour from the family Quinta da Santa Luzia .
27 In 1875 a memorial was erected to him in the British Cemetery .
28 It came to him in the small hours .
29 ‘ The Queen is in good health and will not hand over to him in the foreseeable future unless her health suddenly deteriorates .
30 She would listen to him in the way that no adult woman ever would .
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