Example sentences of "to the next [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has been voted the best assistant in the store by her colleagues , and goes on to the next leg of the competition , the district semi-finals on April 10th .
2 She will now go on to the next leg of the Boots Customer Service Award — the district semi-finals .
3 Then the only jump instruction that is logically necessary ( though others may be provided for efficiency ) is one to jump if the condition code is set to a specified binary bit pattern ( or perhaps a specified group of patterns ) , and to drop through to the next instruction if the condition code is set to any other pattern .
4 THERE IS little doubt that a final decision as to the next hosts of the World Cup will be made in April 1992 .
5 I had to go to the next yard to fetch Jonesy .
6 In 1697 the presbytery being informed by the minister and ruling elder of Kilvarow that Janet NcKalman in Brockachach , Angus Brown in Scarabus , John McVurich in Achtawilling and Milcolm McIllvoil in Grundart doe use charms and divination The Presbytery appoint Allan McDugald their officer to summond them to the next dyet of the Presbytery at Kilchoman .
7 Bedle of this parish , to summond him pro secundo to the next dyet .
8 In 1697 the presbytery being informed by the minister and ruling elder of Kilvarow that Janet NcKalman in Brockachach , Angus Brown in Scarabus , John McVurich in Achtawilling and Milcolm McIllvoil in Grundart doe use charms and divination The Presbytery appoint Allan McDugald their officer to summond them to the next dyet of the Presbytery at Kilchoman .
9 Bedle of this parish , to summond him pro secundo to the next dyet .
10 He sang the songs that related quite indirectly to the next mime that took place and there was a slight story linking the whole thing — very slight harlequinade story — but it hardly mattered at all .
11 If you follow the electricity poles over the steppe to the next village , the people there are partially settled inside bricks and mortar .
12 Cars must go back to the A683 beyond Barbon and that road followed south to the next village of Casterton , which has a school founded for the daughters of clergy and made famous by its association with the Brontë sisters .
13 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
14 These people will point you in the right direction to the next village .
15 He grew morose after that and growled at the customers , it seems — so most took themselves to the next village for their ale .
16 These right-angled bends in the road , whatever the date of the enclosure award may be , reflect some stage in the medieval colonisation of the parish when a new furlong , brought in from the waste perhaps in the twelfth or the thirteenth century , cut across the direct path to the next village and forced it to make a sudden turn for a few yards before resuming its onward course .
17 And it was seldom his tunes failed to draw the odd penny from a shopkeeper 's pocket or , indeed , a bottle from the publican to sustain him to the next village .
18 The motorist , however , who has reached Gunten from Heiligenschwendi and Sigriswil will almost certainly be interested to continue along the lakeside to the next village to the east , Merligen , a former fishing village at a sheltered sun-trap situation on the lakeside where the Justis valley meets the lake at right angles .
19 We tied his arms behind his back and handed him over to the next village headman we encountered .
20 heavy horse , a land horse such as a Suffolk , as most of them were , erm but times were so tight that there was a farmer who used to send his horse with his horseman right past here and go another mile down the road to , to the next village to Kettleborough where there was ano , there were two farriers there
21 After the passage quoted just above concerning the esteem in which Molla Fenari was held and his place in the state , and before passing on to the next event in his life , namely his going on the pilgrimage in 822 ( 8 Dhu " l-Hijja = 26 December 1419 ) , Ibn Hajar writes that Molla Fenari became widely known for his erudition and that he was both pious and abundant in culture and merit " except that he was censured for [ espousing ] the sect of Ibn al- " Arabi and for the fact that he taught the and affirmed it " : he goes on to say that Molla Fenari , on the advice of friends , abjured mention of the subject in Egypt .
22 Even though everyone ended up dirty , wet and muddy they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were eager to get on to the next event .
23 The passage to the next stages was , however , to be governed by totally different principles .
24 But we are now drifting to the next stages of the methodology .
25 All the guy who 's pushing on has done is got from one holdup to the next holdup quicker than the next feller .
26 Balance c/f — Amounts which are carried forward to the next day 's tabular ledger .
27 Yet when I awake to the next day and my leaden legs , the flat is dark with disrepair — the light in the fridge has gone out , the milk is off .
28 SCHOOLS FA officials will this week ask the IFA to switch the Ards-Cliftonville Bass Irish Cup semi-final from Friday , April 2 to the next day .
29 The left-hand page is where you plan , the right-hand page is where you record , the end of the day you are supposed to record one with t' other , and carry forward unfinished business to the next day .
30 So look where 's he going to the next day ?
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